Chapter Twenty-Five

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Dedication to vanna123 :)

Chapter Twenty-Five

The house itself was silent, the girls all taking advantage of the Kiss You premiere party that was outside in the large grassy area past the pool. The girls were all watching every music video One Direction had made, along with the Kiss You video, and then they were going to watch a few of the Going In Different Directions episodes. 

The boys themselves were out, seeing as on Saturdays they were able to leave the show until Sunday night. I'm sure they were having a lovely old time partying it up in the 'real world.'

I had taken to calling everything outside the show as the real world, since everything inside the show was planned out to a tee. We had a caterer for every night's dinner, we had a gigantic pool that got cleaned every two days, we had room 'inspections', almost everything we would ever need was at our beck and call. Oh, and I can't forget the limos. The stupid limos.

As you might have guessed, I passed on the whole Kiss You premiere. Despite Trinity, Andie and Ariana's subtle begging hints (That were about as subtle as an ice road trucker), I refused to go to an event that I wasn't forced to go to. I also knew that my friends would have more fun there without my sarcastic comments and indifferent behavior. 

So, instead of spending time outside with everyone else, I was on my way to the kitchen. A plate of Ritz crackers and cheese sounded delicious at the moment. 

"You need me, man, I don't need you! You need me, man I don't need you!" I sang (AKA yelled) at the top of my lungs. Ed Sheeran is quite possibly the best artist to yell-sing. 

I started to dance around, not caring about the cameras I knew were conveniently placed everywhere. I continued my choreography, which consisted of awkward twirls and weird hip movements. And I, being the amazing talented Al, tripped over my own foot and landed straight on my butt. And, since it's me we're talking about, I looked down to see my ankle twisted awkwardly. My toes pointed the wrong way. I squeezed my eyes shut, pain starting to register in my entire body. 

Within seconds, a crew member came rushing in. "Are you alright?"

"Mhm, I think I just sprained my ankle." I said through clenched teeth. "I'll be fine if I just get some ice."

"We have to take you to the local hospital.. It's procedure," the older man replied as he held out his hand. I took it and pulled myself up, wincing every time my ankle moved.

"No," I protested. "I don't do hospitals. I've broken my arm, a toe, a hand, and my leg.. And I've never gone to a hospital. Please don't make me go now."

"Sorry, but it's part of the rules. Come on," he offered me his shoulder so I could hop out to the car area.

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