A new beginning

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Wut upppppp......yea im never doing that again XD. Leave comments and please vote. Enjoy the beginning of our journey!

  It's 3am and what am I doing? Reading. Like I don't start my senior year of high school tomorrow. My mom always did say I had a hard time putting  my priorities first and I never disagreed with her. I kinda had anxiety about a new grade with new teachers. I was praying I had classes with my best friend and girlfriend but considering last year I doubt it.

  My phone was above my face as I read 'Last chance' by some person I can't remember. I felt the bed dip a little and a soft feeling across my arm. I jumped, dropping my phone on my face. " Son of a-....ow!" I held my face rolling over on my stomach. I felt soft paws climbing on my back. It was my cat, pixie. I sighed in the pillow. " What are you doing up to late pixie?" I rubbed my face laying on the pillow. She only meowed and curled up on top of me. "I know I can't say much cause I'm fully awake myself." I chuckled. Yes I talk to my cat. She gets me.

  After just sitting there with pixie on my back, I eventually fell asleep. I swear it was 5 minutes and I felt someone shaking me. " What the hell are you doing Leh?!" I squinted my eyes, the sun basically blinding me. My best friend Keya threw a shirt at my face. " Practicing for my funeral." I sighed. " Real funny dumbass, we're about to be late. Get up." I mentally cried. God why must school even exist. I pushed myself out of bed tripping on a sock hitting the side of my head on my desk. "Fuck!" I cried grabbing the side of my head. 

  A burst of laughter was heard at my door. I groaned laying on the floor. "HAHA! You just lost 50 brain cells right there! You gonna be extra stupid going into school today." Keya held onto her knees laughing her ass off. I was so close to just quitting life that this point. Keya helped me up instantly gasping. I frowned walking to the bathroom. "What?" She giggled. " Your bleeding Leh." I looked in the mirror whimpering. Why now out of all times did I have to bust my head like a dumb dog.

I washed my face and put a bandage on my wound making sure to clean it well. I threw on a big black hoodie and some skinny jeans with my white slip on Vans. Simple. Makeup? I never wear it. Just some chapstick will do. Where did I put my book bag? " Your book bag is in the kitchen, let's gooooooo." Keya called. I smiled walking out my room. She knows me well. I remembered to feed pixie before I left. I hate leaving her by herself cause she has separation anxiety it seems. Every time I left I knew she would sit at the door for hours because when I would come back she wouldn't have touched her food. She's a lot better at handling it though because she knows I will always come back to her.

I hopped in Keya's car and flopped in the seat. I want to get a little more rest before I go to school but usually when I go to sleep it makes me more tired than I was before. Oh well. I leaned on the door and drifted to sleep, passing the time. This time I swear it was 2 minutes and I felt Keya shaking me. " Come on girly, we're already 4 minutes late." She hopped out the car and ran around to my side, opening the door. I groaned loudly, stepping out of the car. " I'm not the one you should be giving attitude to. Your the one who stayed up all night watching porn." Keya said walking in front of me at a fast pace. I rolled my eyes." I was reading!" 

"Same thing!" She laughed. After going to the front office and getting my schedule from the front desk lady, who had a lot of attitude, me and Keya matched out schedules together. I smiled jumping up and down, my tiredness suddenly going away. " We have the same homeroom! And we have science and English together!" Keya giggled. " That's way more than last year." We hurried to our homeroom class stopping at the door. " Open it." I gave her a stank look. " I'm not opening shit." " Your the one who made us late dumbass." I rolled my eyes. " It was your slow driving that made us late dipshit." Keya was about to go off, but the door opened and we stood there like deer in headlights.

  " Is there any reason why you 2 ladies are standing at my door disrupting my class?" A pretty woman stood with her glasses in her hand and she has these long flowing pants with a white button up. Her hair was in a high bun and she her plump lips formed a straight line as she waited for answer. " Sorry, we're late, we are in this homeroom." Keya said straightening up as if to show she wasn't scared of this woman. Me on the other hand was about to crap my pants. " Ahh yes, Keya Martin and Lehlani Jones. I got word from other teachers about you two. Very intelligent, well-behaved.....at times, well put together young women." I swallowed hard pulling my book bag back on my shoulder because it was sliding a little. The woman stared at me as if to make shrink even more. 

" But you two are the ones who made the last English teacher quit her job." Keya scoffed. " That bi-" the women raised her eyebrow. " That woman was failing us on purpose when we snitched on her for being drunk and came to class being violent." Keya rolled her eyes. The women gave Keya this stare that basically said ' shut up or I will kill you'. She sighed rubbing her face, she looked tired. I wonder is anyone else could see how tired her eyes looked.

 " I just want you girls to know, I run this classroom. If anything you should be grateful your smart or I would have assigned you a different teacher. On the other hand, I do like a challenge." She looked at me. I frowned. I didn't do shit. " Please have a seat, the instructions are on the board. I don't wanna hear a a word from either of you." The teacher opened the door wider for us to walk in.

The class was quite but bright. The walls were white with small pictures of quotes here and there. It looked like a modern house.....but it was a classroom. I looked over everyone's faces seeing some familiar people. I saw my girlfriend but she didn't even acknowledge me. I rolled my eyes. That's nothing new. She's just an asshole.

But as I examined everyone, they all seemed scared to even breath. What the hell is this? It looked sad. I would not let this teacher make me some depressed gloomy kid. I sat in a seat as Keya sat beside me. I gave her a reassuring look hoping she wouldn't let the teacher get to her either. Looking on the board I saw the instructions. It's seems she wants an essay on what I plan on doing with my future. Great not like I've done that hundreds of times. I looked to the left seeing a name in the corner of the board.

Ms. White.....

Ohhhhh scaryyyyyy. 😂 Thanks for reading! Next chapter isn't far away. Please vote, comment, and request what you think should happen next. Byeeeeeee lovies!

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