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It's been a while you guys. I missed y'all so much, life has been....interesting, but good nonetheless.

     "Ms. Jones I'd like to see you after class." I looked up from my phone scared I did something wrong. Mrs. White didn't even look at me as she spoke. The whole class including Keya looked at me, which made me shrink again for the second time today. Keya kicked my ankle to look at her and I kicked her back cause why the hell is she kicking me. 

     "Put your goddamn phone away hoe!" Keya whispered/yelled at me loud enough for only us to hear. I rolled my eyes and put my phone away. She didn't have to kick me so hard man. I sighed picking up my pencil and began writing the notes on the board. " Alright you guys, we have about 2 minutes before the bell so I am releasing you all early. Have a nice rest of you guys' first day back." 

     Ms. White smiled and walked to her desk. I looked at Keya shocked because not only did I not pay attention in class, but neither did my crackhead bestfriend. She never takes notes but somehow always passes her classes. "I'll wait for you outside okay?" Keya said picking up her bag. I nodded and sat until everyone had left the room leaving me with this serial killer. 

     I mean she might as well be with the glares she gives people. I played with my fingers as I stared at the board in front of me full of the notes I didn't take. The tension in the room was so thick I forgot how to breathe. I couldn't see or hear Ms. White at all, and I dare not look back.

     Suddenly, I heard the clicking of her heels across the classroom. " So Miss Jones.....I called you after class for my concern of your education. I saw you dozing off and on your phone the entire period which I find very disrespectful..." she appeared in front of me and leaned back on the desk behind her. I stared at her thighs as the pants she wore got tighter as she was leaning back. 

     " I also find it very disrespectful that your not looking me in my eyes..." I swallowed hard. I felt my ears getting hot in embarrassment as Ms. White took her finger and lifted my chin. My head moved, but my eyes didn't. " Miss Jones I won't ask again." My breath shuttered as I made eye contact with her. She studied me for a few seconds and dropped her hand from my face.

     " If you aren't going to pay attention in class, I have 2 options. One, you leave and find another class that will put up with this behavior. Two, you adjust and focus. This class isn't just for anyone. Only the best in this school have the privilege to be taught by me. Understood?"

     My mouth was dry when I opened it to speak. I closed it and swallowed, clearing my throat. " Yes Ma'am, I am sorry. I am just having a rough first day that's all. I will do better." I gave her a soft smile. She looked at me with a stone cold face. I wasn't sure if she didn't believe my bullcrap or she is just planning my murder. 

     She leaned up standing straight and walked to the door. I wasn't sure what she was doing so I stayed put and played with my hands. Ms. White looked at me and rolled her eyes. " Today Miss Jones, your gonna be late for your next class." I jumped up and grabbed my bag stuffing my things in it not bothering to close it and speed walked to the door.

     Ms. White stepped in my way before I could leave and shook her head. " Never half do things, always finish what your doing. Even in the small things. Turn around." she grabbed my waist and faced me the other way making me very hot and bothered. I felt her tug on my bookbag and I heard a zipping noise indicating she zipped my bag for me. I felt like a little kid making my cheeks turn red and I looked at the ground.

     That's when I felt her front pressed against my back and I felt something unusual. Why does she had a lump in her pants? And it was hard as stone. My heart was racing and my body tensed at the feeling. " I hope you will go home and think about what has happened today Miss Jones." Ms. White said quietly in my ear. She stepped to the side of the door and I made my way out the door. I didn't even know where I was going. I just kept walking.

     One thing was for sure, I definitely would go home and think about what happened today....

     Hello peeps. This kinda short lowkey. I had this in my drafts and kinda forgot to post this so here it is. Thanks for reading and don't forget to voteee!

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