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                       Helloooo. Back with another chapter. Remember to vote and enjoy!

     I had walked the hallway to my next class. Since the bell had already rang, Keya had already went to class ahead of me. The rest of the day I tried to wrap my head around things that had happened. Honestly, the encounter I had with my English teacher kinda made the my first day harder. I definitely couldn't focus on anything.

The final bell rang for us to go home and I was so happy. I walked the halls making my way to the doors leading to the student parking lot. A hand grabbed my arm and held me back. I turned around and was met by no one other than this girl I call my girlfriend. I rolled my eyes and turned back around walking out the door to Keya's car.

     " Babe talk to me." my girlfriend, Jayda, grabbed me again. I swatted her away and turned around. " Oh like you've been talking to me? We sit right next to each other and you didn't speak a word to me." she tucked her hands in her pockets. " Dude you know how that teacher is man. She scares everyone. No one dared to say a word in that class." I just looked at her. She wasn't wrong.

     I walked up to Keya's car and she was no where to be seen. Great. " Listen, I know I've been distant lately but its because I've been busy. With sports and all-" I shook my head and blurted out. " We play the same damn sport. Please explain to me how you don't have time for me when we literally are everywhere together. Even class!" She only looked away. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. I don't understand why this woman never locks her doors. This nice ass car and someone is going to steal it one day I swear.

     " Lani please just hear me out." I looked up at her with teary eyes. " It's just the same excuse! I don't even feel like you love me anymore. I used to be so in love with you, I would even dream about our future together, but you can't even show me that you care! And then, those pictures of you and Addy. I'm not stupid, I know that look you give her. It's the same look you used to give me...." I rubbed my eyes with my sleeve. " I'm done Jayda.....I'm so done. I don't want this anymore." I tried closing the door but she grabbed my arm. 

     " You can't mean that Lehlani." I struggled against her. "Let me go, I swear to God." I said but she only tightened her grip. I stood up out the car and was about to throw a good punch before Keya stopped me. " Hey Leh what's going on? Calm down." This pissed me off even more. I felt the tingling sensation in my clenched fist. I took quick deep breathes as Jayda and Keya surrounded me. " I'm okay. Let's just go..." I said calmly letting my fist loose. Keya looked at my girlfriend (now ex), and turned her nose up at her before turning to walk away.

     Jayda released my arm and I took this as my que to pull back my arm all the way past my head, lifting my foot a little and brought all the force I had to punch the shit out of her. Jayda fell to the ground and Keya gasped. I looked down at her before getting in the car and closing the door. " Keya stood speechless. " Damn girl you hit her for old and new. I'm so proud of you. We need to go home and celebrate!" 

     She got in the car and drove off careful to not hit Jayda who was still sitting on the floor. To be honest I think she would've hit her on purpose if it didn't mean she had to run from authorities. I sat in the passenger seat shocked at what came over me but not regretting it one bit. 

     Keya had dropped me off at home and I sat in my room for the remaining of the day reading. Reading was definitely a pass time for me. I try not to get offended when my friends call me a nerd for reading all the time but I have came to just accept it. After a few hours passing I decided to call it a night and see what the next day of school would bring me.

I know i've been gone for a while buttt I kinda found some motivation to write again. Love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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