Chapter 5: Coming Home

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The long journey back to Mount Kuroba was awful considering the injuries I had over the last seven days. I was covered in dirt, and had scratches all over my body. But I had to make it back, I wanted to see Yui again. I wanted her to know that I survived, and that I'm coming home.

The night sky was filled with stars as I saw Yui's small home in the distance. I moved as fast as my legs could carry me.  It reminds me back when I had to run down the mountain the first time, I was all bruised and exhausted. My knees buckled and I saw the familiar long periwinkle hair of my teacher. She dropped the firewood she was holding and ran towards me. Yui hugged me tightly with tears falling down her dark cheeks.
I started crying as well. Her embrace felt so warm and welcoming. "Y/N..." Yui said shakily "Your-your alive! I can't believe it, you did it! And you came back, I...I'm so proud of you." She cupped my cheeks and stared into my misty eyes. "I had to come back Yui. I...your like my second mother. I just wanted to see your smile again." I cried with joy. We embraced for what seemed like eternity. I felt so happy, this moment just felt perfect. Yui, thank you, for always being there for me. I couldn't have done any of this if it weren't for you.

A/N: (I cried writing this part... that's all I have to say T-T)

"Y/N, there's something important I must tell you about the crystal breathing technique. This technique is the most strongest at night, more specifically during a full moon." Yui stated. "So that explains as to why I was able to slice through the crystal so easily." I recalled.
"Yes, the moon is sort of like the source of our energy, much like when the crystals in the sacred caves absorb sunlight and glow when the moon is high. The more moonlight the slayer is taking in, the stronger they become."
She continued.
"However, using the 6th form during a full moon is very dangerous. Incorporating your own blood into this form can tremendously improve your abilities. Doing so would feel as if you were strong enough to take on a powerful demon. But the large amount of exposure to moonlight could paralyze the human body. Or worse, you could end up loosing your life."

I looked down at my scarred hands "This technique is that strong? So strong that it could kill me if I'm not careful!" I stammered. "Unfortunately, yes." Yui sighed. "I had to witness my trainer sacrifice their life for me. In the light of the full moon, they had used the 6th form to kill a demon stronger than any I had ever slayed. Their arms were covered in crystal shards, and they could never slay another demon again."

The two of us sat in silence for a moment before Yui spoke once more. "On the bright side, using the 6th form during a full moon could give you enough strength to possibly take down one of the Twelve Kizuki." "The Twelve Kizuki?" I ask. "I'm surprised you don't know this," Yui teased. "The Twelve Kizuki serve under Muzan Kibutsuji, the strongest demon known. He's been alive for more than a thousand years, and is the only known demon who is able to turn humans into one of his kind.
"Y/N, the Twelve Kizuki are very strong, they share the blood of Kibutsuji, which makes them almost as poweful as him. Promise me...that if you ever come across one of these demons, unless there is a full moon, you run in the opposite direction and don't look back."


~15 days later~

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~15 days later~

The morning arrived when I heard a knock on the wooden door. I opened it to see a woman with a large straw hat with wind chimes hanging from it. "Good morning," the woman said with a bow "I am Himari Haganezuka, and I have forged the blade of Y/N. My elder brother Hotaru has another sword delivery nearby, so he has requested for me to deliver yours."

A/N: Yes I'm aware that Hotaru doesn't have a younger sister (at least not that I know of I haven't read the manga) but I just thought it would've been an interesting idea...ok back to the story 😅

"Oh, would you like to come inside ma'am? I'd be happy to serve you some tea-" I started."My brother has taught me all about the Nichirin blades, and how they are sometimes called color-changing swords depending on the user." The woman interrupted. "I can't wait to find out, but you should come inside first." I chuckled.

Miss Himari placed the sheathed sword in my hands as she watched with wonder. "I hope you like the design of the handle, my brother and I forged this katana together. I believe we did a splendid job on it."

(What I picture the sword handle looks like, I think the sheath would be a pale purple color)

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(What I picture the sword handle looks like, I think the sheath would be a pale purple color)

I removed my sword from its sheath as it changed from its shiny gray metal to a lavender-colored blade with a white tip. I stared at my katana in awe. "Not bad, it's color is similar to mine." Yui smiled. "Quite a beautiful sword indeed." Himari nodded in agreement.
All of a sudden, I heard loud bird noises coming from the window. My Kasugai crow flew into the window and landed on the floor. "Y/N! Head to the town northwest from here! Rumors have it that young girls have been disappearing each night! Y/N! Head to the town northwest of here!" the bird spoke loudly.

My first mission as a demon slayer!

Dressed in my uniform and my dark purple haori, Yui and I said our goodbyes to one another. "Safe travels, dear." She grinned as she placed her hands on my shoulders. I nodded back at her. "I promise to write, Yui. I'll visit as soon as possible!" She pulled me into a quick hug. "I sure hope so, I will write as well. I hope to see you soon!"
I walked off, gripping my new sword at my side.


After walking for what seemed like an hour, I saw a figure up ahead. They wore a checkered haori and was also wearing the demon slayer uniform. I looked closer and saw a familiar pair of hanafuda earrings. I quickly began to walk to my friend and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Tanjiro. Long time no see."

Hi! Thanks for reading Chapter 5! Just a quick note, I am starting school in a few days, so I might only post new chapters every other week (depends on how busy I am). But I will try my best to have at least one chapter out every Saturday or Sunday! Have a good day/night and I'll see you all in the next one! :)

 But I will try my best to have at least one chapter out every Saturday or Sunday! Have a good day/night and I'll see you all in the next one! :)-Emily*

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Word Count: 1187 words

*•Crystals in the Moonlight•* a Demon Slayer fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now