Chapter 14: Forest of Webs

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Our stay at the resting place continued for a few more days until we were given our next mission.
On the day of our departure, the old woman who greeted us when we first arrived came to see us off. "I wish you well in battle." She bowed her head with a smile. We bowed in return as she raised her hands holding a rock and a flint. She struck the rock against the flint to create a spark, which set off Inosuke.

"What the hell do you thing you're doing, old hag?!"

He looked like he was about to charge at her, but Tanjiro and I held him back. "Making sparks before a departure is for good luck, you idiot!" Zenitsu angrily informed. Inosuke eventually calmed down, as Tanjiro and I bowed to the woman once more. "So sorry about that ma'am, we'll be going now." I apologized. "Thank you for your hospitality!" Tanjiro smiled as we ran after the boar-head and lightning slayers.

 "Thank you for your hospitality!" Tanjiro smiled as we ran after the boar-head and lightning slayers

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With a full moon high in the night sky, we came to the foot of a large forest. A passing breeze rustled the tall trees, as it also sent a chill of nervousness and exhilaration down my spine.

Sucking in a deep breath, I started the lead into the thicket, but was stopped as Zenitsu remained still. "Something on your mind Zenitsu?" Tanjiro asked. "I-I'm not going in there! I'm sensing a bad omen coming from that forest, I just know that I'm not going to make it out of there alive if I follow you guys!" He cried.
I rolled my eyes at him as I smacked him on the head, "Quit being such a wuss! I can't promise you that we're not going to fight demons, but if we all stay together then-"

"You can't make that promise! I'm staying here!"

"In that case, keep watch of anything dangerous. We'll see each other again unless you decide to come find us if something goes wrong." I arranged as the remaining three-four including Nezuko- of us slowly walked into the dark of the forest.


It had seemed to have only been a minute or two, until Inosuke ran into something on a nearby branch. He stared at what seemed to be a small spiderweb on his hands. "Pesky bugs! I hate spiderwebs!" The boar heard grunted as he shook them off. We continued on, as I began to notice that the webs slightly began increasing in numbers.

Hundreds of webs, but not a single spider in sight...

A couple yards ahead, there were a few people with swords in hands and dressed in the Corps uniform. Two were on the ground, and the others movements seemed stiff. One moved closer to another on the ground, as they raised their sword above their head.
A horrible scene came to view, as the katana plunged into the chest of the other, killing him instantly. My eyes widened in terror, as a second standing slayer attacked, impaling another in the stomach with their blade.

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