Chapter 11: Zenitsu & the Tsuzumi Mansion

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" over?" Tanjiro gasped as I stared into his crimson eyes. "I...I think so." I uttered as my head began to feel heavy. He gently held his calloused hand in mine as I drifted out of consciousness...


As the sun began to rise above the skyline, Susamaru and Yahaba's bodies were reduced to ashes. Tamayo had used her demon art technique to trick Susamaru into releasing Kibutsuji's curse onto her. Susamaru's body was torn apart until there was barely anything left except one of her eyes and pools of blood.
Tamayo later informed us that Susamaru and Yahaba were in fact, not one of the Twelve Kizuki. The only way to tell is if they have a number engraved onto their eye.

After I came to, the events of the night before were long gone. My body was aching like crazy, I had sprained my ankle, and one of my ribs was broken. Tamayo was able to treat Tanjiro and I's wounds, but it still hurt like hell. We said our farewells to Tamayo and Yushiro, as Tanjiro, Nezuko and I headed to our next mission.


On the way to our destination, we came across an odd sight. We saw a boy with bright yellow hair and orange tips, weeping while hugging the knees of a young woman. "Please! Please marry me! I could die any day now!"

With looks of concern, Tanjiro and I approached the "couple" as my friend grabbed the boy's triangle-patterned haori. "Would you please let go of her? She's obviously not interested in what you're offering her!" Tanjiro stated as the boy turned to us, his face covered with snot and tears.
"Wait, your two are from the Final Selection!" He sniffled. "What are you talking about?" Tanjiro asked, with a hint of anger in his voice. "I've never met you before!" As the two boys began to banter with one another, a small sparrow flew into my hands. They started chirping at me, and I became as dull as a rock.

This sparrow looks familiar, I think its this boy's messenger bird. But what are they trying to tell me?
I looked up from the sparrow in my palms as the yellow-haired boy started clinging to the young woman again. She started slapping him, and Tanjiro held her back. I saw the boy crawling back towards her and I pulled him away. "Since when did I ever say I loved you?!"the girl fumed. "As a matter of fact, I already have a fiancé! Good day to you!" Tanjiro let go of her as she stormed off.

"Why did you do that?! I was going to marry that girl! Now I'm going to die alone, and it's all your fault!" The boy cried. Tanjiro just stared at him with a look I couldn't even explain.

 Tanjiro just stared at him with a look I couldn't even explain

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"What's that face for?!" He stuttered. Realizing I was still holding back the boy, he turned to me and I could've sworn I saw sparkles in his eyes. "Hey! You're the other one from Final Selection! Will you marry me please?!" He cried as he grasped my shoulders and started shaking me back and forth. At this point I was getting really annoyed with this boy, and pushed him away. "We don't even know each other! B-Besides, I already like someone else!" I confided.

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