Chapter 1

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The sudden, but familiar feeling of coldness washed over her skin, encasing her body.

Kai swam towards the bottle-nosed dolphin, the water making his purple hair get all over his face as he moved closer to it. Kai reached out his hand, spreading it over the wound on the dolphin's pectoral fin. Pulling out the healing seaweed he had gotten, he wrapped it around the fin, securing it after it had been tightly wrapped around multiple times. "Those human fisherman are really getting on my nerves, " he told the dolphin. The dolphin squealed back at him, in appreciation and in agreement. 

Kai pushed his hand up the dolphin's body and up to its snout, which is when he spotted a piece of jewelry at the tip of its snout. "Human trash is going to kill you all, he said, pulling the strip out of the dolphin's mouth. The dolphin chittered happily before pointing at Kai's pale, purple fin. 

"Wait, this is a tailet. What are you doing with this?" He asked, having only seen these with merpeople, and never with dolphins. The dolphin replied by gesturing towards his tail again. "You want me to wear it?" Kai hesitated before bending down to snap the bracelet around the bottom of his tail, right before the start of his fin. When he straitened, the dolphin had disappeared. 

Kai pouted, "Am I really that bad of company?" He muttered. "I thought we were getting along! He shouted out into the empty ocean. At least, he assumed it was empty, which is why the tiny voice made him jump out of his scales. 

"Hiya, friend! I'm Fynn. what's your name?" The tiny dolphin spoke. It spoke. This was the scariest thing Kai had experienced since the chance of being blown up by bombs in the ocean a few years ago in 1776.

"Hello?" Fynn repeated, "I'm sorry, it's my first time, are you going into shock? Poisy said that might happen." It spoke. Again, How was it speaking?

"Poisy?" Kai said, his voice barely above a whisper. 

"Yeah!" Fynn said excitedly, "you met her! Isn't she amazing? The wisest guardian I could have. Although, I will say, her parties are wild. I hope you get invited sometime. What's your name, by the way? My name's Fynn!"

"Fynn?" Kai asked, still rigid in shock, only moving because of the soft current in the ocean. 

"Your name is Fynn too? Wow! That's so exciting! Maybe we could be besties. Poisy said that was a merpeople thing. Could we be besties?"

"Kai shook his head, "wait, no, I'm Kai, not Fynn."

"Wowie, that's a nice name, Kai!"

"What's the pink marking on your back?" Kai asked.

"Hm?" Fynn said, "where?" The tiny dolphin spun around, trying to spit the pattern on his own back, 

Kai held out his hands, desperate for the dolphin to stop, "I can describe it to you, please stop doing that before you get hurt." Fynn stopped, keenly listening to what Kai had to say, "Poisy said you were like that."

Kai brushed off the comment, "it's a pattern that looks like an anemone, or a flower, like the ones on land. I've only seen one, though, so I'm not sure how accurate that is. 

"Land?" Fynn questioned.

"It's the world above the ocean. One only certain sea creatues can go up to. Me and normal dolphins can do it, I'm unsure about you, sorry, Fynn."

"Could you describe it for me?"

"Well, it's so much brighter up there. The sun , the magical, warm ball that floats and makes you happy whenever you look at it, shines beautifully. Then there's the seaweed up there. It comes in different shapes, sizes, and colors, each type unique and beautiful. 

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