Author's Note

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Invincibility Friends was a series I made up in second grade about me and my invisible friends, which were characters from my favorite TV shows, turned into a complete Pokemon fanfiction because I discovered that it existed and I was like, "well, this is my life now." This stupid series is the reason I continue to be the storyteller I am today, and I have a strong love-hate relationship with that fact.

I wanted to rewrite this series for quite a while. I had plans to revive this series but I never really did anything with them. It was fun to imagine and write vignettes about it. I had genuine fun with it because this is a stupid story idea with plot points that aren't fleshed out and developed at all.

Again, I feel like I should state, I made this story in second grade. (For reference to outside US readers, that is approximately nine years ago.) I made things up, imagined it, and went with it and called it a day. This is why I have so much material to work with. Somehow beyond reason, I almost memorized everything.

Yes. Nothing here is made up. These were all legitimate plot points that my toddler brain approved of for some awful reason. And this was without the ability to document them all on paper or digital paper, which makes it even more impressive.

(The only "documented" stuff I have of this series is a few spin off things and four and a half "books." Two of them were ripped by a brother out of his rage :D. Other than that, my mind is a temple and I'm surprised it hasn't exploded yet, because surely my friend *coughcough*Eclipse*coughcough* was dying with my tell all.)

The only stuff I am changing is the writing (because improvement, hell yeah) and a few things that help develop characters and relationships better. (During the previous phase of rewriting this series, I created a relationship between me and my friend's Pokémon and I have fallen much in love with it. And it becomes much more tragic when further plot points happen.) Other than that, nothing makes sense and I know that. Ask questions please, and I'll do my best to answer as long as it doesn't reveal spoilers.

There is just something hilarious about writing old ideas with improved writing. I have finished the prologue at the time of writing this note and there are some lines that legitimately make me feel things and that is not okay.

Speaking of writing, I am incredibly motivated by the time I've released this. And that may absolutely die down. I'm working on other things such as my actual series The Dream Warrior, (which I feel obligated to mention that Invincibility Friends is the reason Astra has psychic powers, because of course).

I'll update this whenever I like, whether that be tomorrow or in the distant future. I'll consider this a fun side project that makes me die inside. And that grants me enough happiness.

Therefore, this won't be the most fleshed out thing ever and the most editing I'll do is reread it a couple of times. The way chapters will be organized are in messy "seasons." Honestly, don't focus too much on how I title these. You'll get a stroke. But besides, this whole side project will be put on Wattpad because what's the better way to publish fanfiction, huh?

I hope you guys suffer in the same way I did while writing this. I hope y'all have fun reading the dumpster fire that was my imaginative adolescent brain.

If any irls are reading this, yep. This was what was going through my head second through sixth grade, and I don't think I'm sorry. :)

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