Season Two: Episode One (pt.3)

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Crash! My heart stopped. The clouds above us were darker than before.

"We should head back now," I said, a trembling edge to my voice.

Instead, she did the worst thing thus far. She smirked in a way that gave off warning shots and bolted past me through the nature trail.

"What the -- Hey!" I yelled. My breaths were stout and quick as I ran after her. A game of cat and mouse. Just what I needed as a thunderstorm was brewing over our heads.

My chest ached again. I stopped to catch my breath. I never ran quite as fast as I just did now after the incident, and the effects were prominent. Not that it was amazing to begin with, but my stamina worsened.

By now, Froakie was out of my sight. That little vermin. What was she even thinking?

"Froakie!" I cupped my hands around my mouth like a megaphone. "A storm is going to start! We need to go back! This isn't funny!"

My eyes watered as something brewed in my brain. I wanted to stamp my feet to get rid of this feeling because I shouldn't deal with such frustration with the Pokémon I made Professor Sycamore unrightfully come back for. I wondered for a quick moment what it would be like if I got Chespin or Fennekin instead. Would my starter Pokémon in another life not be as difficult? Would we have gotten along on the right foot from the start? I clenched my shaking fist, making my knuckles turn pale.

Was there something I did wrong? Was it my fault Froakie didn't like me?

I dragged my feet along the dirt as I continued my search. Cautiously, I steered off course, peering past trees and rocks. By now, all the Pokémon, at least those in plain sight, have disappeared, retreating into their hidden homes. The overcast, brewing storm made this lustrous nature walk become barren. Lifeless. I shivered as a breeze brushed the back of my neck. If Froakie wasn't going to reappear any second now, we would be drenched by rainfall.

"Froakie!" I called again, returning to the path and not actually expecting an answer. She was stubborn, but thank goodness I was also because I kept going.

I looked back as I walked up and down an incline on the path. The school was no longer in sight by the time I trekked past the peak. Urgency was ringing in my system. We had to return. Now.

"Froakie! Froakie, dang it!" Steam leaked out of my ears. Metaphorically, of course. I snapped. "You little, stupid idiot! I can't believe I ever wanted you! You better come out now, or I'm throwing your Pokeball away into the trash and I'm never seeing you again! Show yourself!"

And then I saw her. A pit dropped to my stomach and my face bleached. She was far away from the trail. And not by her own will. A few Spearows were tugging on her limbs. She was being dragged farther and farther away from the track. I saw it in her eyes.

She heard what I had said.

I wished I could take it all back as she struggled under their beating wings.

"Get away from her!" I charged, snapping branches and covering my eyes. When I got close enough, I swatted them away like mosquitoes. "Don't touch her," I warned, gritting my teeth.

I still saw hope in Froakie, and what I said I never truly meant. I'm glad she was my starter, and although, somehow, she was born with a guarded attitude, it didn't change that she was my partner. I wouldn't change that. She might be sassy, but hidden under that personality was someone with genuine fear. I couldn't be mad.

Frustration was a funny thing. It blinded you until all you saw was red.

The Spearow were persistent, not holding back for such birds. They pecked on my skin, even nicking blood.

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