Ch 3

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Narrator pov

It was the morning the sun had risen and you had gotten up and looked around while sitting on the couch you would notice a sleeping Dawn and Scarlet laying on both ends of the couch.You slowly and quietly got off and put a large blanket that covered both of them. You heard some talking going on in the kitchen and saw Galatea with two new faces one of which was a giant lady being very muscular being around 8 feet tall with scars all over her body. She had two horns but one was missing the other looked like a maid but gooey with what looked like eyes around her body. Both of them were purple with yellow glowing eyes and they soon looked at you with Galatea waving with a nice warm smile on her face.

Galatea:Oh Y/N just in time come here I have two people I would just love for you to meet!

You slowly walked closer and the the large bull like lady got on one knee scowling.

Helena:So your the kid Lady Galatea has been talking about?

You would simply shiver and nod looking down with your eyes closed a little scared.

Y/N: Y-Yes ma'am.

Helena then immediately switched to a loud laugh while patting your head.

Helena:Hey now I'm only joking kiddo! Names Helena very nice to meet you Y/N.

You would then blink a couple of times and give her a small smile.

Y/N:You too Helena.

The maid would be next to Helena smiling and bow her head elegantly.

Sheane: Greeting young Y/N I am Sheane.

The girl said humbly and offered you a plate of blueberry muffins.

Sheane:Would you care for a muffin?

You jumped a little with joy.

Y/N: Yes please!

You took a muffin and would nibble on it enjoying every bite as Sheane would pat your head.

Sheane:Aw such a gentleman you are.

She said with a small giggle.

Y/N: Thank you.

You said with a slight blush

Galatea:Yes he is and so cute he even came up with a Nickname for me Galy!

They all laughed together making you blush more.

Helena: So how did he get here anyways?

As soon as she said that your blushing stopped turning into a look of horror which made you remember how you got here in the first place. the three women looked noticed your expression changing and Galatea approached you with a concerned look raising her brow.

Galatea:Are you ok Y/N?

You would look at her as tears would come down your eyes and she picked you up. You would soon start crying and she comforted you making you cry in her chest with the three looking surprised.

Helena:Oh touchy subject I guess.

Helena said with a nervous chuckle and expression while Sheane rolled her eyes from the minotaurs' response. Scarlet and Dawn woke up from your crying and ran into the kitchen to see what the commotion was about.

Both Scarlet and Dawn: Y/N ARE YOU O-

They would stop seeing Galatea and her company and change to a nervous expression.

Scarlet:Hello Galatea how have you be-

Dawn:Scarlet just save it its obvious we've been caught

fem vampire sisters and Monster Girls x male child readerWhere stories live. Discover now