Chapter 3

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I woke up feeling drained, like I didn't just sleep eight hours. I reluctantly sat up and immediately regretted it. My head was pounding, resting my hand on my skull hoping it would ease the throbbing but winced when it got more intense. I shifted so that I was sitting on the edge of the bed, my legs dangling. As soon at I pressed my toes on the carpet and added pressure I cried out in agony and layed back on the bed. I slowly crept my hand at the hem of my shirt and pulled it to revel my very bruised stomach. I softly grazed the blue and purple injury and winced when a bolt of pain shot through my whole body. I let my hands fall to my side's as I try to block out the pain. I've always had a high tolerance for pain unlike other girls, while others would cry and whimper from the injury I just silently took it, knowing the pain would go away eventually. I just limply lay there, hearing only my steady breathing. I found my self humming The A Team by Ed Sheeran. I closed my eyes and focused all my energy on the song, forgetting all my pain and worry and just got lost in the song that I could now hear perfectly in my mind. About 20 minutes, and 6 songs later, a loud jingle of keys caught my attention and snapped me out of my music zone. I quickly sat up, inwardly groaning, and put my back against the headboard. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I saw Johns bulky figure in the doorway.

"You got a visitor" John smirked holding the door out wider so I could see who else was standing. I gasped and forgot all about my stomach and threw my arms around Zayn.

"Zayn! oh God I was so worried! are you alright? Are any of the other boys hurt? Oh God!" I dragged Zayn to the bed and sat him down checking to see if he had any wounds. He just chuckled through my rambling. Which was better then any music I've heard, it sent chills racking through my body.

"I'm fine, the boys are fine. John's been taking care of us, are you ok?" He asked concern basically dripping from his gorgeous features. I just sat there drinking in his face, making sure I didn't forget how his hazel eyes sparkled with concern and how his plump pink lips pouted just a bit. I cleared my throat when I realized that I was oggoling.

"I'm, well Sharon paid me a visit yesterday." I pulled my shirt to reveal my blue and black bruise. He just stared wide eyed at the mark, before he grazed his finger tips across my stomach, I held back a wince, I didn't want the tingles that were exploding from his finger tips to end. I didn't even know my eyes were closed until I opened when I couldn't feel him touching me anymore. He was looking at me with a glazed expression, a small smile on his lips. He shifted on the bed slightly which caused me to groan. He once smiling eyes were now lit with rage and his lips folded into a line, he clenched his hands so hard his knuckles were white.

"I'll kill her" His voice so low and threatening that I, myself was a bit scared. I guess he notice because his expression soften and he clenched his hands and put them over my hands. He leaned forward closer and closer until I was layed on my back. My breathing hitched and my heart beat picked up, I seriously think I need to go see a doctor or something a person's heart shouldn't be this fast. He lowered his head until he got to the hem of my shirt, he slowly lifted the fabric until the bruise was exposed. He pressed his oh-so-soft lips on my skin and kissed my stomach. Like a light switch, my whole body was engulfed in a heat I have never before felt in my life. And I got to tell yea, I liked it.

Sorry for the wait everyone! Schools been crazy ! So this had a lot of Zayn & Alicia time ;) hehe sorry it's a bit short it's 9 here so I'm to tired to write any more :p please if you liked this chapter or any other one comment and vote !


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2013 ⏰

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