My Bestfriend Kidnapped One Direction?!

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Ok so this is my first story so please be nice thanks!



 I sat on the concrete, tapping my foot impatiently, and waiting for my best friend who obviously doesn’t know the importance of time! Well I should start by telling you my name if we are to go any further. Hello my name is Alicia Connors I just started my senior year at North Fields High School. My blonde locks reach to my waist and curls at the bottom, which is why everyone gave me the nick name goldie locks. I know cliché right? But I have no control over what dumb teenagers call me. I live in a small town in Vermont, population about 200. And no I’m not “popular”, gosh just because I’m blonde with blues eyes you think that? Pssh stereotypical much? Nah just messing with ya! Actually I’m not “popular” per say, I just know like everyone. IN a small town like the one I live in, everyone usually knows everyone. But there are those handfuls of kids that keep to themselves, Including my best friend. She doesn’t really interact with anyone besides me and people from her self harming therapy group. Shes had some problems in the past but shes got through them and she’s fine now, well sort of. A couple weeks ago I almost walked on her having a really suspicious phone call:

“yea, are you sure they are gonna be there?”  

 Other Person’s Response

“ok, were gonna get sooo much money!” She jumped up and down in joy. After the other person on the phone said something she just responded with an “ok alright bye John” and hung up her phone.

Today she was supposed to pick me up after school so we could get ready for Jacob Moon’s party but she’s an hour late! This makes me think that maybe she’s late because of the phone call. I got up off the hard concrete and kicked the gravel, I watched it fly into the air and disappear without a trace. I sighed and started walking into the direction of my house when I heard the roaring of an engine coming my way. I turned to face Sharon’s (my best friend) 1970 hippy van, parked right in front of me. 

“Get in” she commanded. I did as she said and got into the passenger seat. As soon as I closed the door she raced off into the street.

“Sharon slow down!” I shutting my eyes tight and griping my hand on the car door handle so tight I bet my knuckles were white.  This only made Sharon go 10 times faster. I opened one eye and looked over at Sharon sitting in the driver’s seat. Her short black hair covered her heart shaped face; her black long sleeved shirt was drenched in sweat, which Sharon only does when she’s really nervous. I was too busy studying her to notice that she slowed down enough to turn into a secluded road that I’ve never seen before.

“Sharon, what the hell?!” I shouted, but she just ignored me and kept on driving. Ugh she’s so stubborn! When she gets like this its best to just stay quiet and let her be the first to speak. I slumped down in my seat and looked at the trees that passed by until I heard a faint whimper. I rose in my seat just a bit and leaned my ear to the closed curtain behind me. After a couple seconds passed I heard It again, a small tired whimper. Before Sharon could stop me I ripped open the curtains.

I wasn’t expecting what I saw next….

All 5 members of one direction were sitting there, hands tied behind their back and duct tape on their mouths and around their feet. All of them were looking at me with pleading eyes, Liam had blood dripping down his face and Niall’s cheek was turning purple.

“Sharon, What did you do!?” I screamed reaching for Harry’s hands to untie them, but before I could try Sharon pushed me back into my seat, making my head bounce on the window. I groaned in pain, while rubbing my head.

“You think that’s pain? Just wait and see Alicia” Her voice wasn’t hers, it belonged to a demon. Her eyes filled with amusement and her eyes were now a pitch black, compared to her usual brown ones. The last thing I heard was a muffled scream before Sharon’s fist connected with my cheek and blackness engulfed me.

Who would have thought that the one person I thought I could trust with my life, was now the one that could take it away….

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