The Fight Between Hope and Freedom

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She was dragged across the floor

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She was dragged across the floor. Her hair was extremely disorganised and clearly tangled, yet somehow still shone bright amongst the candles that flickered.

A monster slid in, making unsettling sounds every second, until she realised... she was not alone. For someone has been watching her every move. But was none other than herself in a mirror, contemplating her past decisions.

Her decisions shape-shifted into harsh figures of reality that wanted to run away from the dungeon that she resided in. She needed help.

So, she screamed.

Although the dungeon's walls said to her, "You can't escape, why try?"

She screamed louder; her chords writhing in pain and desperately craving for freedom. Freedom appeared, waving.

No words were needed, but needed were words. Though no words could describe her hidden magic which allowed her to see through the dungeon's walls.

Freedom nommed on her popcorns, and watched the movie unfolding. But instead, the planet exploded, shattering all sighs of life. Everybody alive cried out. But Freedom held onto hope, as Hope shared Freedom's popcorn. Hope ran from Pandora's pithos, finding a reason for optimism.

Little did she know Despair existed in the sewage pits. Hope married Despair because Freedom was evil because she threw tantrums.

"Tantrums are not fun," said the MC, shaking her head. The MC happened to be Freedom.

"Freedom is evil," said Despair.

Evil watched the drama, giggling. Freedom, ironically, didn't feel free, because it was tied by Hope to a small box that Arsh made himself and taped it. The tape was sticky and went round the dungeon — wearing a party hat made of dragon eggs that were beginning to crack, and make funny little sounds.

The sounds weren't funny, actually.

They sounded like party blowers, and party blowers are irritating. Freedom was Irritating's sister, and Irritating hated Freedom because Freedom had stolen his tape. But they were twins so, what was Irritating's was Freedoms.

What was Freedom's was nobody's. Freedom was a selfish git.

But none was just nonexistent. Non-Existent waved from Mars. Though. Non-Existent was extremely confused about how he got there and why he was involved. Because he was Freedom's ex, and Irritating's boyfriend. It was extremely awkward; but not to Non-Existent, because he wanted Freedom back. But Freedom was happy single.

And Non-Existent's feelings became existent. Whenever he was with Irritating, the author was biased towards anyone but Hope because she wasn't idiot. Idiot was Freedom's daughter. Which was very obvious because Idiot's nose has been cut off as a child and taped back on like an idiot would do.

So, Hope drew her sword to cut it off again.

This time, they used adhesive. But that was Freedom's and Non-Existent's, so they went into War. Freedom summoned a Tape Army, and Non-Existent summoned adhesive warriors, and they battled for weeks

Hope summoned Idiocy.

Idiocy summoned aliens, who joined the fight, and Noses joined, too. Aliens used UFO's as frisbees. Frisbees, frustrated, flew to Mars, where they knocked out Non-Existent.

Freedom, glad he was gone, found a new boyfriend and lived happily ever after. But enemies awaited, and friends abandoned. No one wanted to fight, except Hope, sword in hand, who renamed Idiot 'Voldermort.' She was wanting to chop more noses.

Freedom and Hope had a tandem bike which allowed them to flee. However, they got a punctuate that slowed them down and catapulted them to Arsh's tape box.

It wasn't a box, surprisingly. 

It was a ball of adhesive. Hence, Freedom was coming. And Freedom had a bottle that could help them find the cure to bring stoned as rock to find the genie, steal him from Aladdin, and Jasmine's tiger. Who was actually Freedom's mother.

But Freedom didn't know that.

Freedom set out to continue the journey with Jasmine and the Genie, to find out why firefly is the opposite of waterfall. The mystery was that Freedom could speak to the dead and touch them as if they were made of porcelain.

Freedom walked into a modern car shop to make car-monsters who would eat people. Freedom's dead brain cells awakened to realise the horrible thing occurring in front of her that she did to herself. She can't believe what's happening.

But what she can believe is the fact that she was currently going crazy over what she got herself into. The mess, she couldn't bare. The mess was horrendous to see.

She dropped down in tears, disappointed at her efforts. As the car-monsters ate Hope, she ran away in fear, afraid of what descended, and while running away, afraid to become another victim of the jelly monster, whom Freedom ate.

She clutched her stomach, only to throw up, because Hope stabbed her in the foot — surprisingly instead of the nose!

Clutching her foot, she screamed at God who snickered and hugged Freedom. Freedom drew a knife, cackling and began to kill mercilessly, wanting her nightmare to end. She gulped in fear.

Fear screamed "I'm not water!"

Bill Gates, the fear-creator, laughed, "YOU FOOLS!" He cried out.

"Did you not know that," said Fear, chuckling.

Bill Gates, aka, God, cried mockingly as Fear gathered at Hope's feet, feeding her grapes. The grapes strangled Hope.

Hope coughed loudly. Freedom heard it, and frowned. She ordered Fear to give her a bubblegum, but Fear refused, because of her bubblegum dragons' fear. Hope was still coughing violently, because she found Freedom hot and wanted to be with her forever, until the end of the universe.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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