4) The proposal

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"Please, Dad. Tell him. He will change his mind if you talk to him." said a whiny voice that belonged to Soobin to Jinwoon who was reading the newspaper sitting at the verandah. Soobin was shaking his hand showing his puppy eyes that would surely work on him but not on a certain person regarding the current situation. He sighed and placed the newspaper beside the table and turned around.

"Binaa. Trust me. I talked about this to him the moment I came back here but I'm nothing but helpless. He won't ever step aside from his current stand and that means you'll be surely studying here after high school. 

"But I don't want to study here, Dad", Soobin again whined showing his puppy eyes again praying it would work on his Dad, and in turn, he would talk to him. Jinwoon chuckled at him. He wondered how this whiny puppy is an aggressive player on the basketball court that he can fear the opponent with just his sharp gaze. But here currently there sat a six feet two puppy with nothing but helpless whines.  He shook his head in disagreement.

"That might work on me but not on him, not this time", he said with a sigh as he took the newspaper again probably continuing his routine. Soobin huffed and stood up adjusting his backpack on the shoulder.

"I'm leaving BYEEEE", he said through an exasperated huff putting a stern emphasis on the word bye making sure it could be heard far inside the kitchen. Jinwoon chuckled and waved him off. Soobin made his way out and walked towards his friends who were waiting at the front gate and joined them. Soon he was out of sight.

" Aint you going a little tough on him, son"? Jinwoon asked the person standing at the doorstep, still eyes fixated on the newspaper. The person was there the time since Soobin stepped out of the house and Jinwoon was definitely aware of the presence.

Jimin sighed as he took his gaze back from the way Soobin went and took a seat across from his Dad.

" I want him to study here Dad. Since we both are here, it'll be easy for us to can keep an eye on him."

Jinwoon chuckled as he closed the newspaper," it's not like he could do something wrong. We know him very well, Jimin"

"I am not saying he will do something wrong or something like that, Dad. It's just he always had one of us by his side since we lost Mom...., he trailed off as he gulped down the lump that was developing behind his throat. Jin woon blankly stared into the space in front of him feeling his heart being at weight at the mention of his wife.

Jimin continued," I don't want him to feel alone Dad. I know he's strong and confident. But his emotional side is so vulnerable. He won't be able to cope with any bad events without any of us by his side." He said sadly remembering the past events.

There was only a single event that broke his younger brother's heart so badly that it still makes him ache. Indeed he was sure, it was also the reason the younger wanted to leave Seoul for further studies so that he could never need to see the face that brings him unbearable pain again and again. But Jimin knew it was not at all a good thing to do. A closure was needed in this problem and for that Soobin was ought to be here and that's why he was reluctant to let him go away from Seoul.

Jimin sighed as looked at his Dad. Jinwoon smiled at him and closed his eyes as a gesture of encouragement. His firstborn was a person of emotions and understanding. Just like his mom.

An epitome and kindness and generosity.

But also the little sassy side couldn't be forgot that also he inherited from his mother. He smiled at the thought and soon both of them went inside after a small conversation.

Jimin was washing the dishes when he heard the doorbell ringing. He quirked his eyebrows in confusion thinking who was there at this odd hour in the morning and also he didn't remember his Dad telling him anything about having any guests. He rubbed his hands on the towel placed at the counter before yelling" I'll get it", at his Dad who was getting ready for work.

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