The Jaffaris

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'Why do I think we've met before?' I folded my arms

"Yeah, umm... can I come in first?" She smiled nervously 

I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed with my phone, 

'Our first meeting wasn't too good but now we have to live together so, let's get along?' She said fixing her simple pink scarf as I rolled my eyes, she got to know I wasn't interested at all so she stopped talking

"Assalamualaikum Warehmatullahi Wabarakatuh... yup, you found yours?.... Yeah, me too... okay... can we meet somewhere.... nope, I'm pretty hungry! You know I don't like plane food...hmm ok... see ya!... Yeah yeah Ma Salama!"

'I'll be back a little late!' She said quickly picking up her hand bag 

"Did I ask?" I rolled my eyes as she sighed and then went away 

'Yes, where are you?' I said, answering Rose's call 

"Outside your room, come out already!"

'You could've knocked dude!' I said as I went over and opened the door and was shocked to see Rose wearing a scarf on her head, the same way the girl was wearing

"I look good, don't I?" She said giving me a quick hug 

'You haven't even converted yet!' 

"Yeah, but I thought I should start practicing, I wanted to do it a long time ago but you know... dad..."

'Yeah, food?'

"YES PLEASE!" She said as she dragged me out

"These people don't refill your drink?" I said looking at my empty glass of coke 

'There!' She said pointing at the refilling station 

"Please?" I said pointing at the glass 

'No thanks!' She replied, eating 

I rolled my eyes and got up, "Please?" She said, holding out her glass to which I rolled my eyes and took it from her 

Everyone looked around our age, maybe all of them are the university Student! I saw a guy staring at me and I couldn't help but stare back, I was soo lost in it that I didn't even see where I was headed... "Ouch, sorry!" I said rubbing my head and then heard a familiar voice, replied, "It's alright!" 

I looked up as the person was too tall, trying to find the owner of the beautiful deep voice. I found him but he had already turned around while whispering something like "Astaghfirullah!"

I gave him a weird look as his light brown hair looked familiar, I went over and refilled two glasses of coke.

"Deep breathes, deep breathes, deep breathes!" Rose said calming herself down,

'Dude c'mon, it's gonna be awesome!' 

"We're already 10 seconds late, you enter first, please!" She said to which I gave her a weird look and then opened the door

We sat in the middle seats, 

Soon it was time for the attendance,

"Flora Ronald?"

'Here!' I replied with a smile 

"Rose Cullen?" 

'H..he... here!' She said, shivering 

"You okay?"

'Yeah, where's my water bottle?' She said and then took it out and took a few sips 

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