Since the start of this book club, we've allowed you to specify what content you aren't okay with, mainly LGBTQ+ and mature. We like to think of ourselves as fully inclusive though, which is why we will not allow LGBTQ+ preferences from now on.
Our LGBTQ+ preference policy is outdated and singles out the LGBTQ+ community, which isn't something we want to do. We want to be fully inclusive of everyone, which is why our other two book clubs, Sunflower Writing Circle and Book Exchange, have had this policy for a long time. We just didn't know when to change it for this one since we have a decent amount of members who aren't okay with reading LGBTQ+ content.
We won't tolerate hate against anyone, so we're removing that preference from our list of your preferences starting this next bloom (tomorrow). If you'd like to leave, please PM us, but we will not be changing this policy again. You must now be okay with LGBTQ+ content to stay in Sunflower Book Club.
Stay safe and thank you for understanding!
Sunflower Book Club
RandomIn the Sunflower Book Club, members and their books are randomly assigned weekly pairings to read two chapters a week. New assignments are posted Sundays EST. All books and people are welcome, apply inside!