Please remember to tag the comment checker assigned to you and mention the chapter numbers that you've read. This reduces the chances of your comments getting lost and you getting a strike for no reason.
The July Book of the Month has been announced. If you were a member in Bloom 109 (including members with hiatuses, strikes, and extensions, everyone EXCEPT seedlings - both Standard and Advanced Sunflowers), you have to read 2 chapters for the July BotM by the 31st of July, 2023. Please remember that if you don't have enough time to do the BotM, you can ask for a 2-day extension.
Bloom Bonus
Questions that focus on specific topics you can comment on. You can use these questions or prompts to leave better feedback on your partner's book. The Bloom Bonus is not mandatory, but keep in mind that the better your comments are, the more likely you are to be selected as the next BotM.
Show vs. Tell - Did you find any metaphors in one of the chapters you read? How did it enhance the writing?
If you're having trouble understanding some of our terminologies, you can visit the "Glossary" chapter of this book.
PM us with any questions.
🌻 Permanent Pairings 🌻
Like your partner's story or the feedback they gave you? Why not become permanent pairs? You can grow as readers and writers together and share feedback each bloom. When it's time for the bloom each week, you can be paired with this same person. To do this, ask them if they are interested. If they are, PM the account and let us know you're both interested.
Permanent pairings admin: -catchingbutterflies
dilenu - Helplessly Bound
cocoamelon23 - You and Me
🌻 Sunflower Blooms 🌻
This is where Sunflower members (both Standard Sunflowers and Advanced Sunflowers), who are not on extension, hiatus, in a permanent pair and have completed all previous assignments go. Please note you only have to read two chapters of the story you are assigned and comment on both. If you are in a pairing of 3, you only have to read ONE chapter of each book you're paired with (two total). Comment "done" here along with the chapters you read once you're done. Failure to do so might result in a strike. If you are with someone whose title says "Reader Only," they read two chapters of your book, but you don't have any to read of theirs in return. Please still comment "done reader only" once you've seen that you're with a reader only.
🌻 Standard Sunflowers 🌻
Standard Sunflowers are expected to leave at least seven in-line comments and a final comment (1-2 sentences long) or one 5+ line final comment in their partner's book. If you are a Standard Sunflower, you will only be paired with other Standard Sunflowers. If you've been in the club for more than three weeks already, and you're interested to be an Advanced Sunflower, please PM the SunflowerCommunity account. For newer members who haven't been here that long and wish to be moved to the Advanced Sunflowers, your feedback on your weekly assignments will be evaluated for three consecutive weeks before we decide on it.
Sunflower Book Club
RandomIn the Sunflower Book Club, members and their books are randomly assigned weekly pairings to read two chapters a week. New assignments are posted Sundays EST. All books and people are welcome, apply inside!