Chapter Six

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Chapter  6

{Duck’s P.O.V.} 

It was a seven days since I had been turned into a girl and I was excited. Dance had become fun. I could dance the best in our class. Fakir, because there were not many boys in the dance program, would dance in the beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes for our age group. The instructor, Mr. Cat, was amazed with how well I was doing with the dying swan dance. He said that I might even be able to move to doing both intermediate and advanced classes. 

Mr. Cat said that a room would not be open and ready for another week. So Fakir said that I could stay at his house. He even offered to let me take the room and have him on the couch. He would do anything for me, but he needed the bed more than I did. Fakir's couch was comfortable and I would check on Fakir every time he coughed. The good news was he was getting better. Fakir could now sit up and had the strength to stand, but Autor had told Fakir that he had to be on crutches until his hip is healed well enough. 

Fakir had not coughed at all last night and when he woke up was well enough to go to school. I grabbed his bag and he smiled at me, while I smiled back. We talked all the way to school, it was amazing.

“Uh…Fakir what will you tell the others at school?” He thought for a second and replied

“Someone broke into my home and stabbed my hip, then when they dropped their sword it stabbed me with a pen before I grabbed a weapon and it ran away.” Fakir seemed to have all of this thought out. We arrived late to school and I walked before Fakir.

“Ms. Duck, you are late and if you keep up this… Fakir! What happened?” Mr. Cat forgot about his last sentence as he saw his star pupil. 

“Someone broke into my house stabbed me.” Fakir said while our instructor nodded. We headed to class. Our schedules were almost the same, except when I had a free period, Fakir was helping the beginner class. At first period everyone gasped as they saw Fakir, so many questions were thrown at him, that it started to make my head hurt. I saw Fakir close his eyes, he had told me that one of the symptoms of his illness were blazing migraines. Although his cough was gone and his strength had returned, he said that his headaches had not subsided. 

“E…Everyone.” I said shyly “Fakir just got back and still isn’t feeling great. So could you be quiet?” I asked as the room quieted down the pained expression on Fakir’s diminished. I didn’t know where he sat so I let him go first. I followed behind and once he sat down I brought him his things. Fakir was wearing a jacket and rolled up the sleeves. Suddenly the bandages all over his had were visible and more gasps were heard. 

“Idiot.” he mumbled to himself and brought his sleeves back down hastily. Class went by and I accompanied him to every class. When ballet class came I didn’t know exactly what to do.

“I will be fine.” He said to me people had followed us around all day and it was getting annoying. When I went to hand him the bag I tripped and fell flat on my face. Fakir tried to giggle but when he did all that came out was a cough. That was the only time I heard him cough anymore, when trying to laugh. I felt for him, this was not his week. Then I realized that I was still laying on the floor looking like a total moron. 

I stood up; this, fortunately this was the one time we were alone. Fakir took the bag and left to go to the boys locker room. I headed to the girls locker room, even though I would not be changing. When I went to set my bag down in my shelf, a duck feather leotard was there, a skirt was attached and it locked beautiful. I changed quickly and was greeted with gasps of suppress as I entered. Once again we did our warm ups, but this time Fakir stared in awe at my point work. 

“Ms. Duck, I would like to use you as an example. Dance the dying swan in the middle of the room.” Mr. Cat instructed me. I was so scared, this was my first time dancing alone in front of Senior Fakir. I stepped past him and he whispered into my ear. 

“Don’t be nervous. Just try your best and let go.” He told me. I nodded slightly and stood, ready to start. The music started and my heart felt every beat. The song went on and eventually I forgot about everyone around me and only danced for my love, Fakir. The music became dramatic and I recalled when Fakir had made me feel whole as I could not take the necklace off. As the music grew more even more intense I remembered that fight against the Raven and how cold the world seemed as my vision grew dark and my body lost all strength. It was as if the moment the music started it was over, and the song was finished. I walked over to the side of the room, with my face beat red. Without knowing it I bumped into Fakir. 

“Oph. Oh… I… Uh… sorry Fakir.” I said blushing and hanging my head. He brought a hand under my chin and lifted my head. 

“You did wonderful.” Fakir said, emotion filling his voice. “I would very much like to dance with you.” I nodded and stood there gazing into his eyes for what must have been an eternity, because soon class was over. Now would have been my second free period, but Mr. Cat said that today I could help out with the beginner class. All of the classes were doing the same dance and he asked me to be an example since the song seemed to inspire me. We were alone and as I walked beside Fakir I tripped, no surprise there. On my way down quacked out of habit. Suddenly everything seemed to grow taller and Fakir stared at me in surprise. 

“Idiot, you’re luck we were alone. Grab your clothes and I’ll make up an excuse for you.” Fakir said and kept on going. I watched him leave on his crutches. That must stink. I mean you can’t do anything. I thought to myself I wrapped up all of my clothes and waddled to the girls locker room, and despite my usual chance with luck, it was empty. I sighed in relief and turned on the sink. I stuck a wing in and transformed. I changed back into my leotard and left. As I entered the class room I noticed that no they had already started. Once I walked in the room, though, no movement was seen. 

“Thanks for cleaning up the bucket of water I spilled Duck.” Fakir said making eye contact with me

“Huh… Oh, yeah… I mean no problem.” I said quickly covering up my mistake 

“Ms. Duck will be dancing The Dying Swan. She has shown mastery and emotion on this piece, more than any other student. She will also be performing in the advanced class tomorrow. Ms. Duck go ahead anytime you are ready.”

I started, and just as the last time my dancing was filled with passion. At the end everyone clapped and Mr. Cat went off on some long tale about, who knows what. Suddenly Mr. Cat was beside me and I was amazed at what he said

“Ms. Duck will you help out with this class please. Mr. Fakir would have helped, but he is inured and it would be nice for the students to have both a male and female role model.” I stood there at a total loss for words until Fakir coughed and I stammered

“Y…Y…I…Th…” I quit trying to speak and just nodded dumbly. The rest of the class passed and it felt amazing to help these students. This was the last period of the day and when we were done changed back into our original clothes and set off toward Fakir’s. 

“Was I really any good Fakir? How do you think I will do tomorrow? Do you think that I’m ready for that advanced class? How’s you leg? Does you head still hurt? Oh, wait, maybe I should quit talking.” All of my words came out in a jumble and Fakir stood there, totally and completely lost about any of the questions he asked her. 

“Don’t worry you’ll do fine.” He said

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