Chapter Seven

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Chapter  7

{Fakir’s POV}

Going back to school I realized that Duck would have had to be on point shoes. So much thinking made my head throb harder, so I tried to clear my head. Autor said that the headaches could stay for about two and a half weeks. As soon as Mr. Cat saw me he quit grilling Duck and fired questions at me. After he had finished we went to the class room. People started yelling over one another to ask me questions. The pain flared and red flashed before my vision. I closed my eyes tightly until Duck called out to them and everyone shut up. I opened my eyes and headed for my desk. As I sat down I got ready to take notes like usually, I had this habit of rolling up my sleeves, and did that now. All of the students gasped

“Idiot.” I said to myself and quickly tried to hide my mistake throughout class I noticed how Duck was actually excelling. I guess since she had time to think about what life was like without school she was taking it more seriously. 

The day passed on and questions were asked, I brushed them off and kept going though. As dance class quickly approached I was ready to see Duck fail in this class. I had seen her practice constantly as a Duck, but it was different as a hobbled into the studio. 

Duck was wearing a leotard and skirt made completely out of Duck feathers. She was absolutely stunning. That’s odd. I thought to myself. She keeps finding duck feather clothes. She told me that she had found a new dress every morning and apparently today she found a leotard. Mr. Cat called her name and I thought she was about to be scolded, that was until I saw her come to the center of the room. I stared in awe as she played the part perfectly. She was even better than the first dancer to master this song. 

Her talent shined through and I realized that she had grown all the more beautiful in every way. At the end of the dance she looked like she did at the end of the battle with the Raven. I can see why Mr. Cat wanted her to dance this. The dance was so full of emotion that I could barley believe this was Duck. 

Classes ended and I went back home. The first dance I want to do when I can walk again is dance with Duck. At home I ate dinner with Duck and Autor and talked about all of these events. Autor left after making sure that I would not walk around the house. Duck and I were alone once again and the silence was awkward. 

“So, you did great at that dance” I said 

“Thanks. Fakir when you are able to dace again. Could I be the first person you dance with?” Duck asked shyly

“I would not want it any other way.” I replied. Love filled Duck’s eyes and I think she saw the love that I held for her in mine. Every once and a while we would but heads, but our love for each other far surpassed anything we could fight about. 

“I love you.” I said

“Fakir, I love you too.” Duck said

Later that night Duck and I went to bed. At around midnight I heard a creak. Not moving in my bed I thought it was just Duck. Until I heard her deep controlled breathes from the other room. I opened my eyes to see someone walk past my doorway. Practically jumping out of the bed I grabbed my crutches and a sword. Going quickly and quietly through the house I found the being stalking over to the sleeping form of Duck.

The sword was lifted and ready to strike, I blocked the blow and the creature finally took note of my presence. It faced me and this time it was not just a faceless doll, it was someone I knew. A boy from the art division that I had only seen once or twice before was standing there trying to kill my precious Duck. His eyes were open but there seemed to be a white film glazing over his eyes. His name was Lysander. Hu lunged and I blocked. As the sound of metal clanged Duck’s eyes flared open. 

“Fakir" she cried and light brighter than any I have seen before flashed. Suddenly in the place where Duck once was Princess Tutu stood. I could do no more than block blows from Lysander. As someone I knew, it was impossible to hurt him. At one point he grew smarter and when I thought he was going to try and hit my leg, he knocked the crutches out from under me. Heavily unbalanced I fell over and Princess Tutu stood in front of me.

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