Chapter One

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Chapter 1

A new time had come, and Fakir had taken Duck into his home. Duck, was, well, still only a duck, but Fakir made sure that she was comfortable. The battle with the raven had finished and it was the end of Drosselmeyer's tragedy. Few people remembered what happened to the little town except those who were majorly involved. Such as people who had a heart shard, or those who played a role in the outcome, like Autor, who introduced Fakir to his lineage. Even most of these people remembered very little.

Karan, knowing about Duck, put an extra bed in Fakir's room. Every day after classes Fakir would write and hone his skill, but he could never bring himself to wright about Duck becoming a girl again. Fakir had sat for three days depriving himself of sleep, food, and water. It made Duck and Karan very nervous when he pulled stunts like that. Fakir kept writing though and he would never quit because it was his passion.

I will never give up on Duck. She never gave up on me or Mytho, and I will always love her even if she does not return the feeling. Fakir kept thinking to himself from the time Duck was a duck until now.

Today was seemed no different than any other. Duck woke up and jumped down from her bed, but what was unusual was that Fakir was still asleep. Duck lightly flapped onto his bed and looked at Fakir. Something about him didn't look right. Duck was going to get Karan because she felt that something was wrong when a loud throaty cough wracked Fakir's body and his eyes shot open. Alarm coursed through Duck's body and once Fakir quit coughing he slowly patted the bird on the head to calm her.

"I'm fine, idiot." he said in a scratchy voice Duck nuzzled him and quacked to let him know she was there for him. After a while Fakir fell asleep once again and Duck slowly left his side. She waddled away and found Karan in his shop.

"Quack, Quack, Qua Quack! Duck said (Hurry, Hurry, its Fakir! IN DUCK)

"Huh... Oh hi Duck." he said Duck repeated her last phrase

"You know I have no clue what you are saying right?" Karan asked. He kept hammering away at his work and Duck had an idea. She grabbed Karan's tools and waddled away with Karan chasing her. Eventually they arrived at Fakir's.

Karan was about to open the door when he heard a cough that was louder than the first Duck had heard and a thud to followed by another cough. Panic filled Karan's gaze and he rushed into Fakir's room. Duck smelled a foul metallic scent and waddled in after Karan. Fakir was no longer in bed and then Duck realized that the foul smell was blood. Papers were thrown about the room and there were slash marks covering everything. Fakir was sitting on the floor holding a wound on his side with a sword on his other hand.

"QUACK!" Duck shouted (Fakir!)

"What happened?" Karan asked concerned

"He's back." Fakir said and while Karan tried to bandage place where a sword had pierce just above Fakir's hip

"Who?" Karan asked, but before Fakir could answer another cough overtook him. With the past question forgotten, Karan tried to get Fakir back into the bed. It seemed as if Fakir's strength was absolutely gone and the moment his head touched the pillow he was asleep.

The rest of Duck's day was spent caring for Fakir, comforting him, watching Karan attempt to feed Fakir because he was too weak to do it for himself, and even just sitting watching Fakir sleep. What scared Duck was when Fakir blacked out while Karan tried to feed him. Duck didn't know what she would do with out him. Over the coarse of the story she had become very close to him. Duck had come to the conclusion that she loved Fakir, truly loved him.

That night Duck was strongly instructed by Karan not to sleep in the same bed with Fakir because although his immune system could fight off the infection Duck was so small that her body might not be able to take it. Duck knew that he was right and fell asleep in the extra bed during the next two days.

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