Chapter 4 - Aaron

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        Aaron took baby Maxwell up to the room his crib was in, as he had finally fallen asleep, and Aaron himself was ready for a night in with his laptop.

        That night had been insane. Nearly the all of his small town had gathered together at the high school for the last football game of the season. What no one was expecting was for the odd-haired duo to show up and pull away a player from another guy he'd just tackled. Everyone was still disgruntled about it, but personally Aaron thought it was kind of hilarious. And if these two were going to stay a while, then at least he knew his summer wasn't going to be so boring.

        He lied down in his bed, his thumb pressing down on the power button of his phone as the four inch screen lit up. He browsed his apps for about an hour, not feeling tired at all. Eventually he decided to take a walk, just to wear himself out.


        The warm wind felt nice on his skin as he jogged around the corner, and Aaron slowed down as he reached the edge of the woods. He stopped and reached in his pocket to turn off his phone, then squinted into the trees, seeing some rustling beyond the branches.

        "Anyone there?" he asked warily. He stepped forward slightly, hands in his pockets.


        There was a bit more rustling, this time accompanied by what sounded like frightened muttering.

        "Is there someone in there?" he asked once more, this time stepping forward even farther to stand within the front leaves of the brush.

        The murmurs increased in volume and then, all of a sudden, Aaron felt a sharp pinch in his calf, and his senses fleeted from him.



        Aaron gasped as he awoke, sitting up in one fluid motion. Instinctively, he checked his surroundings. He was in a small white room, about 5 feet by 7 feet. The size of his closet at home. He himself lay on a thin blue blanket, and directly above him, at least 12 feet up, was a single bright light. The room had one door, streamlined into the wall, but there was no handle. To his right, there was a mirror imbedded in the wall. But he watched enough detective shows to know that it was one-way glass, and there was most likely someone on the other side of it peering in at him.

        "Okay, okay, hold it together; don't panic," he thought to himself. Oh God, where was he?

        He stood up and walked over to the handle-less door. "There's gotta be some kind of way to open it from this side," he thought.

        He wedged his short nails into the minuscule crevice between the door and the rest of the wall and attempted to tug it toward himself, but it didn't budge. The panel remained flush with the rest of the wall.

        He backed away from the door, his back bumping into the opposite wall behind him, and ran at the door, smashing into it with his right shoulder with full force.

        "GodDAMMIT!" he screamed after he had used himself as a battering ram, as his entire arm was now throbbing, and he hadn't even come close to even nudging the door.

        He let himself fall to the floor, scooting himself into a corner and curling into a ball as he began to process the gravity of the situation. He picked up the blue blanket, pulling it over his knees, and attempted to slow his breathing. But holy crap, was it hard. It definitely wasn't the easiest thing in the world to attempt to calm yourself when you have no idea where you are or how you got there.

        Suddenly, a muffled bang sounded. Then a crash, and a thud, each seeming to originate from behind the glass above him. Aaron jumped at each noise. It then sounded as if heavy footsteps were racing toward the door from a long hallway outside the compact room.

        He stood up, mentally preparing himself to fight off whoever was going to open that door.

        His bravery wavered, however, as he heard more muffled sounds just outside the door. They sounded like voices, one deeper than the other, in a heated debate of some sort.

        Then there was silence for a few seconds. Aaron was about to sit back down again, thinking the owners of the voices had walked away, when he heard a mechanical whirring coming from above him. He looked up to see a small vent a few feet above him on his right, just as it began to dispense a purple gas into the closet-like room.

        Aaron immediately dropped to the floor and covered his mouth and nose with his shirt, attempting to prevent inhaling the mystery gas.

        But his attempts were in vain as soon the substance infiltrated his breathing, and his eyes could no longer keep themselves open and his limbs became as heavy as stone.

        The last thing he saw before he passed out completely was the door opening and a glimpse of bright purple hair.


Guess who's not dead!
It's me :D
God this story feels so old to me now but I feel bad I never got around to finishing it, so get ready for this story to be continued!
This chapter is kinda just a filler right now, as will be the next couple. I feel like rushing the story too much will ruin it

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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