chapter 2: The next day

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The next day they all woke up more or less at the same time. They had 1h30 to get ready before the competition would start with the first eliminatory round.

On one hand, the Måneskin members were the first to wake up, they had gotten ready in only half an hour. They were all eating their breakfasts in the kitchen one hour before rehearsal. Sakusa on the other hand wasn't a fan of breakfast. He would always have a black coffee and nothing else. That no longer bothered his band since they knew that if he ate in the morning he was less productive. On the other hand, Ushijima ate breakfast as if it was the only meal he would eat all day. he would start with fruit, then a sandwich with some boiled eggs and a dessert.

After another half an hour, they left to prepare for the first elimination round. They wanted to have enough time to practice their new songs and meet their opponents before the competition.

On the other hand, the other band woke up late with only half an hour left before the meeting to introduce them to their official practice rooms. This was the most important day as they would meet the other bands and meet their competition for this year. This was the most crucial part of the competition as they would also receive the themes and rules of this year's competition.

Daisho was the first to wake up. His phone had been buzzing as he had put a reminder to wake up. After letting it buzz a couple more times he picked it up, only to realize they were already going to be late.

"OH MY GOD" he yelled shocked and panicked.

"WAKE UP GUYS" he yelled even louder in a full-blown panic.

They all woke up and rushed to get ready, 2 of them took a shower since they smelled like alcohol and it was forbidden during the competition whilst the other 2 made breakfast for everyone.

"How did we wake up so late" asked Astumu to Daisho in the kitchen, while Oikawa and Tendou were showering. "I thought you put an alarm for us to wake up at least an hour before the meeting??"

"Look I overslept, you should have also put an alarm on your phone instead of only blaming me, you are a grown adult !" Daisho said panicking.

After that, they quickly ate breakfast and exchanged roles with the two other boys.

After half an hour, they somehow managed to arrive one time.

They were shocked to see everyone ask the band with which they were sharing a room for an orthograph as if they were the most popular band or some rockstars. Well, they kind of were. They had won the competition for the last 3 years and were known for their incredible songs and looks. But Attila knew they had to focus on themselves and not get intimidated or overwhelmed by the number of other bands in the huge meeting room with them. Some of them looked full-on Gothic, whilst other bands looked like normal schoolboys. But looks weren't what mattered here, music was. 

After about an hour of talking and presenting, the staff started to divide the bands into practice rooms. There, each band had a rehearsing room in which they had 4 hours to practice. Both bands had seen each other, and the members of Måneskin, especially Terushima wanted to greet the other band.

But before they could say anything they heard :

"Band Måneskin, please go to practice room C "

After a couple of other bands they heard.

"Band Attila, please go to room G"

And so they parted their ways, not having greeted each other. Or so they thought.

"Good luck to your band," Terushima said.

"We don't need luck, we have talent." Daisho responded with a smirk.

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