Chapter 7 : the race and more

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They were in Atsumu's home town. This was were he grew up and were his brother had a restaurant. So naturally he wanted to go eat there, to see both his brother and to eat his food.

He told his band-mates about this, but not the others. They wanted to keep this a secret. Atsumu wanted to surprise his boyfriend too, since he and Osamu where identical twins.

(If you didn't understand, Osamu is Atsumu's identical twin, the only way to differentiate them was by their hair color. Since Osamu painted his hair grey and Atsumu painted his hair blond  well more like bleached.)

So today they wanted to go visit some of Atsumu's old school friends that they use to play volleyball with and then, visit his brother. They wanted to end the day by going to an amusement park.

This was their plan, once the bottoms finished talking about their plan and headed to the living room. They sat down on the couch and waited for the tips to come.

"Hi guys!" Oikawa said as the sleepy boys came in the room.

"Good morning" the boysreplied.

"We have a suprise for you guys, since yesterday you were so nice to us!" Daisho said smiling.

"What ...?" Terushima asked skeptical about what his boyfriend was about to say.

"Well let Atsumu explain, I mean we are on his territory. " Tendou said pointing towards Atsumu.

"What do you mean we are on his territory???" Iwaizumi asked not understanding anything.

"What he means, is that this is my home town. So I wanted to show you guys around, and stuff" Atsumu said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Sounds good to me." Kiyoomi said, trying to hide his excitement.

"Mhm, I agree. We should do something fun during our free day. So Atsumu where do we start." Terushima asked him.

"Well Oikawa  this one is on you, take the car and lead the way. I mean, you know where to go." Atsumu said.

Oikawa had an evil smile on his face.

"Well, well, let's go~" Oikawa said.

They all put on their shoes and their sweaters  then they left the building in which their suite was. They went down the stairs and went to the parking, in which their cars were located.

"We take the subs?" Oikawa said with an evil grin.

"Race?" Atsumu replied with another evil grin.

"To the gym or Kita-san? " oikawa asked.

"I already called Kita, he is on his was to the gym." Atsumu said.

"You could have just said the gym." Oikawa said annoyed, he wanted a short answer.

"Well start at the entrance of the street." Atsumu said.

"Okay!" Oikawa said.

The rest of the boys had no idea of what the two were talking about. Oikawa and  Atsumu had already came here to spend the summer holidays together, they were very close (as best friends, no plot twist).

So this kind of racing language was not understood by the others.

Atsumu the asked : "Daisho and Terushima is it okay if your cars get maybe just a but scratched?" Atsumu said with puppy eyes.

"My car is old, so yeah" Daisho said.

"Fine but... just don't break it?" Terushima then said.

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