Chapter 3

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"Who's here?" Toby walked downstairs just right after I closed the front door and fed Tank.

"Me?" I chuckled.

"Unless you have a girly voice." He drank some water. "Seriously, who's coming?"

"Neighbor." I said in short.

"Oh shoot. Neighbor across us?" He spit some water because shocked.

"What do you think?" I smiled giving Tank some treat. "She's a kind one."

"You mean one of the kind? Hey I didn't see that coming. You used to be very mad at..."

"Tobs, it's her twin. Her better twin." I laughed.

"Twin?" His voice was getting louder.


"Like me and Riley?"

"Noooo you guys are fake. I mean real twin. Real real twin." I sat on the couch. "You see? That girl I approached was the other one."

"Dang it. No way. It sounds like a fairytale. So there's a bad girl, then there's a good girl." Toby kept arguing me.

"Whatever you say. Yes she's a good girl." I locked my eyes on Spongebob on TV and smirked.

"The world you never know..." He sighed. "Whoa. What's that look?"

"I'm watching TV dude." I gave him the 'oh please' expression.

"That smirk? I used to see that with Megan... Oh dang dang dang Connor. What's it with you and twin girls!?" He jumped back.

I took a moment to think. Well he's right. What's it with me and twin girls. It was Megan that I dated, and she has Liz the twin. Now I'm likely having business with another pair of twin. Except this time, that one twin is just darn cocky and stuff, unlike Liz.

"Hahaha... I don't know. Ask Tank." I rolled my eyes.

"Thinking about twins that are beautiful..." He walked back and forth.

"Beautiful?" I murmured. "Hey Tobs, it's not the point! Of course that one isn't beautiful with her rudeness."

"Talking about the other one..." Toby waved his hand in victory.

"Uh." I shook my head. Too early to tell.

"Too early to tell?" He poked my cheek.

"Stop reading my mind." I walked away.

"Aye! Rileeeeeey, Connor has a cruuuuuuu..."

"Shush." I immediately caught his mouth and covered it very tightly.

"Urghafdhrhrraaahr..." Toby tried to speak.

"What the heck." Riley chuckled looking at how uncomfortable our position was.

"Nothing." I untied Toby.

"Uh! Connor has a crussssssh!" This little guy still tried to mess up with me so I threw a paper ball. "Hey you. I'm telling Mom."

"I don't remember how he's a McDonough." I shook my head trying to breathe after a fight session with this tall creature.

"So she's the twin." Riley noted the tone.

"Sort of." I drank some milk.

"And it's good to know?"

"Good to know what?" I fake a cough to loosen the awkward level. "I'm happy we can catch up with some neighbors."

"We." Riley smirked.

"Oh you stop it dude." I groaned. "Alright. I did. Yet, til like Christmas or Thanksgiving when Mom will do what she does best. Throwing a party."

"I'll be waiting for that." He walked away. "And I'll make sure you really like her."

"I dooooon't! Oh gosh there's indeed a perfect reason why you and Toby are twins." I pouted.

"Blondeeeeeeeeh." He waved happily. See, none of my brothers is sane enough for a good talk.

I walked upstairs to my room to do some music. I hate day off like this. There's nothing to do. I'm dead bored. So yeah let's just surf something on Twitter, or making new arrangement.

I was happily using my headphones to listen to the parts of new song we're working on, until the shadow from the window across mine attracted me. It's a clear sight from up here to that one. It's the...twins? Wait. Did one of them just throw something to the another one?

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