Chapter 16: fixing things

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Kentrell POV

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Kentrell POV

Mya went to the window and looked outside. "Where we at kentrell" she looked back at me with worry

"We in Cuba" I said bluntly

"Cuba?? Kentrell I need to get back home to my baby Saint I can't do this with you. Im having your baby isnt that enough?"

"No , I want a relationship Mya a REAL one and when we around all those people you never focus on me"

"It's not even that serious, kentrell I'm sorry but I don't wanna be with you. I love you but I just ... wanna leave"

I marched out the room mad as hell. I kidnapped this bitch 3 times and she still don't want me. Yeah I'm happy about the baby and all but I still want her. "Kentrell hold on" she walked behind me

"What!" I snapped at her

"I don't wanna be with you but we can work something out for the baby I don't want you getting mad at me"

"Mya I just wanna work something out for us, I ain't just drop a bag on a house in Cuba for nothing"

"Aye mane you up?" Ben asked busting in to my office waking me up

I tried to get back in Amya good graces last night but she wasn't going for it. I was honestly sorry I ain't mean to put her in that situation. But like I said I was gon make it up to her some way. For now I'm just "Ain't shit Kentrell" as she likes to say.

"Yeah nigga I'm up" I rubbed my face

I woke up earlier this morning to come to the trap house. Amya told me she was going to get some stuff more her crib.

"We just got another letter from the nigga"

"Let me see"

He came over and showed me. "You can't have Amya - j.peezy" it read. Who tf?

"I know exactly who this is" I said to Ben

Caught that nigga right handed all over a bitch. Should've kept his mouth shut.

"Look for a nigga name James that goes by Peezy, his ass gon be sorry for ever touching my shit"


At the house

I walked in the house and went straight the kitchen to get me a water. I saw Jess cleaning. "Waddup" i said going to the refrigerator

When I looked back to broom was up to my face. "Woahhhh wtf you doing" I asked

"I may be a girly girl and not have a gun but you gon stop fucking with my best friend and her feelings you hear me?" Jess huffed at me

I chuckled and she grabbed my shirt. "I said you hear me?"

"Yeah damn you don't gotta grab on me" I got outta her grip "where Amya at anyways?"

"She already finished what she needed to do and she's getting stuff from her house"

"Aww yeah she told me that, do you know stuff that she likes? Like bags, jewelry, or  sheen whatever y'all girls like?"

"It's called shein, Why you asking"

" I just wanna get her sum stuff to apologize" I scratched my head kinda embarrassed saying that

"Welllll" she smiled "she definitely love stud earrings, almost anything bag mcm, LV, or telfar, shoes it could be sneakers or heels, ouu and some bundles, and also-"

"Ight we can figure this out later that's too much to process right now" I cut her off

"Ight we can figure this out later that's too much to process right now" I cut her off

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Amya POV

Me and Leon pulled up to my house. I was just gonna start packing some things course this was the last week at Kentrells, thankfully. I just don't wanna talk to him anymore I don't got time for the games.

I thanked Leon and went to the door. I haven't been here even since I left. My moms been calling back to back but I don't care. I open the door and walked in. Of course my mom had to be sitting on the couch. I just ignored her and went right to my room. "You can't say hello to your mother now?" She said from the living room

I walked in to my room immediately packing my stuff. I just knew it was gonna be a whole nother battle. I heard the footsteps and she busted in. "You can't hear me?" She yelled

"Hi, damn" I responded with an attitude

She analyzed what I was doing. "And where the fuck you think you packing to go?"

"I'm moving out"

"Did we ever discuss this?"

"We don't need to i got the go when you kicked me out"

"Amya that was a lesson for being a fast ass lil girl, you ain't even been to school this whole time and these mfkas keep calling"

"Okay I'll go to school next week" I rolled my eyes

I heard footsteps coming. And there stood Nina by my door with my mom.

"So y'all just finna watch me pack?" I asked

"Where you going?" Nina sassed

"I'm getting the fuck ASAP and it's nun of your business"

"Don't you cuss in my house lil girl" my mom yelled

"If you think you going to James think again babes" Nina said then walked away

My mom walked outta my room with disappointment.

I packed a good two tubs of stuff. I put my most valuable stuff in first just in case Nina wanted to fuck with my stuff. I dragged them to the door and outside. "AND DONT BRING YA FAST ASS BACK " my mom yelled

"I WONT" I slammed the door

Leon came and helped me with my stuff. "You good" he asked

"Yeah I'm just happy to get outta here"


Thoughts on amya avoiding Kentrell and moving out?

Thoughts on amyas mom?

Thoughts on kentrell trying to get back in Amyas good graces?

Thoughts on kentrell finding out who stole from

Thoughts on kentrells dream?

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