GB 2: Act 3

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The piss club follows Junko to the bath, she scans the area multiple times to make sure the coast is clear.  She takes a deep breath and reconvenes with the piss boys.

"I know why we're here... in this school." She says with bated breath. "But, you can't tell everyone, not yet. Or... she'll kill me."

The piss club becomes anxious. 

"You must promise that whatever we say in this room, stays in this room, okay?"

"I'm ready, Junko. I want answers, I want to know why Leon had to die so young." it took all Makoto's will to not tear up again. 

"Okay. Theres no easy way to say this but, I'm not really Junko, I'm her sister, Mukuro Ikusaba."

"what the fuck?" Makoto said, just, dumbfounded.

"Junko is forcing me to do this, so people don't realize she's not here. "

"Now I have even more questions."

"The REAL Junko is secretly Monokuma. she's the one behind this twisted game!"

Yasuhiro did a piss take upon hearing the shocking news. "So you're on Monokuma's team! You're bad news lady!"

Makoto grimaced. "How can we trust you?"

"B-because... I can't do this anymore. it's wrong. She's gone too far." She gazes despairingly at the floor. "And I'm tired of lying to myself... I'm sorry, honestly."

Yasuhiro:"Too late to say sorry, my little piss baby is dead now because your stupid head."

Byakuya crossed his arms, and appeared distinct. "So why is Monokuma...Junko... making us play this game to begin with? Surely you know the reason."

Mukuro nodded, and put her hand in her pocket. "The incident happened almost 2 years ago. My sister got an email." being made to remember that day, made her wince. "Attached was an image, a painting of Junko. But it was, utterly despair inducing. She was depicted as an anthropomorphic futanari cat girl, She was tied up so her enlarged bare feet could be tickled and so a bicycle pump could be shoved into her anus, inflating her, the artist had encrusted it with flaky shit, and fart clouds. Her belly was touching the ground, and something inside it appeared to be struggling for freedom. Even bigger than her stomach was her lactating breasts that her Futa penis was peeing and cuming into... I ... I can't talk about it anymore. do you want to see it?"

"I-I'll pass." Makoto said, just hoping to leave the conversation."

"No, wait maybe .... no, actually no." Yasuhiro shook his head.

"the painting distressed Junko so much that she wanted to get revenge on the person who did it, but we couldn't figure out who it was. We narrowed it down to someone in this school, but from there, the search went cold. Every student here has a fetish, so she decided... we decided, to punish everyone equally instead. If everyone dies, then at least one of the victims would be who we decided to call 'The Ultimate Fetishist"." 

"Ultimate degenerate is more like it." Byakuya scoffed. "I understand everything now. Filth like that shouldn't exist."

Makoto scowled at his cruel piss brother. "Kink shaming is wrong, Byakuya. that goes to you to 'Junko'! No one should be forced to feel ashamed of their fetish as long as its not hurting anyone!' He cried out heartfully. 

Mukuro looked ashamed. "I tried so hard to repress my desires, but, when I saw how happy you all looked peeing on each other, I finally had to come to terms. I too, wish to be a part of your piss club. And I want to help everyone escape!"

Yasuhiro folded his arms defiantly, "Yeah right female, everyone knows women can't pee, idiot. You don't even have a penis."

Mukuro grinned smugly. "Peeing isn't just a boy's club you know, let me show you how a real pisser does things." Without a seconds warning, mukuro took off her pants and underwear and peed so hard it broke through the ceramic tiles on the flooring and through the floor under it. "I am Mukuro Ikusaba! the Ultimate Soldier!"

Everyone was floored by her superior technique, although she lacked the mechanisms to control her aim freely, she more than made up for it with velocity and volume, Yasuhiro was shaking, in awe, fear, and lust. Her pee had an intimidating aura,  a despairingly pure orange, it made him have to pee too. 

"Get a load of piss, maggots" Mukuro inserted a nuzzle into her coochie to control and redirect the spray, she was a true soldier for sure. she aimed at Byakuya, and just narrowly missed him, the piss shot right past his ear, too close for comfort, or maybe not close enough for comfort, depending on ones perspective. she smirked playfully at the blonde. "So, am I in?"

A moment of silence befell the room. Until Yasuhiro, stood up, and slowly clapped, he was too amazed to even change his face which was locked into pure shock. He slowly started to clap faster and smile brightly. "DUDE! We gotta let this chick in the piss club! She's hardcore!"

Makoto was lost in thought, feeling unsure. "I don't know about this... its, too soon, I dont think Leon would've approved of this."

Hiro peed on Makoto's cheek playfully to which Makoto giggled, "I know its hard dude, Im still sad too, but he'd want us to keep peeing strong, and to open more people's eyes to the golden truth. Allies are rare, bro, you can't turn away a friend in need."

Makoto sighed. "I guess you're right. if you told us all this, you're probably serious about turning a new leaf. Ill give you a chance, piss sis." Makoto smiled warmly.

Byakuya was not so amused. "Are you too even more stupid than I thought, she's the enemy! You don't pee with the enemy!" He slapped Yasuhiro point blank.

"Aw what the hell man..."

"Leon is dead! and you idiots are worried about getting a replacement! We need justice dammit! He's gone! and theres nothing SHE can do to bring him back!" He yelled. "Idiots! All of you!"

Byakuya fell to his knees, and pulled on Yasuhiro's pants, he did not mean to pull them down, but they were always loosened for easy access. Byakuya's eyes were glued to the floor, he buried his face in his free hand, he couldn't let them see, he couldn't let them see him cry. "Dammit all... dammit all to hell."

Makoto sat down with him. "You loved him, didn't you. "

"yes..." he choked up. "before he died, the last thing I ever said to him was how ugly I thought his penis was. I'm such an idiot, Makoto, I want to take it all back." Byakuya sunk further into his despair. "Im such an idiot."

Makoto sad nothing, and gave him a hug which yasuhiro joined in on, Mukuro sat down too, but she kept her distance.

"We'll find who did this, Byakuya. I promise." Mukuro declared. 

End of Act 3

Golden Boys | Makoto X Leon X Yasuhiro X ByakuyaWhere stories live. Discover now