GB 2: Act 1

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A week has passed since the formation of Hope Peak Academy's first ever Piss Club.  Makoto, Leon, Yasuhiro, and Byakuya( the newest member) have become a close knit group of friends. But the world isn't ready to accept them for who they are on the inside: Pee Drinkers...

The four boys decide to hold a meeting in Byakuya's room just before curfew to discuss their plans.

Makoto Naegi, the founder and de facto leader  stands in the center of the room, while Leon and Yasuhiro got comfortable on the bed. Leon sits on Yasuhiro's lap, his head rests comfortably on his broad shoulders. He wears a warm smile on his face as Hiro leaks through both of their jeans. this is a safe place after all, where they could be themselves.

Makoto wears a motherly smile, feeling proud of the little pocket of tranquility that he was able to foster in this dark situation. But not everyone was so happy. Byakuya leaned against the wall away from everyone else, barely paying attention.

"Byakuya, why don't you come closer? It's your room after all." Makoto says lightly.

He doesn't respond. The most reaction Makoto could muster out of him was a brief glare, before he continued staring at the all. Byakuya was always one to keep his feelings to himself.

"I'm not interested in chatting." He says coldly. A strand of his golden blonde hair falls in front of his eyes.

Makoto placed his hands on his shoulders from behind, they were warm after being freshly rinsed with Leon's pee. His soft hands gentle messaged Byakuya and soothed his soul. Byakuya smiles faintly, but he's quick to hide it behind his hand. His face turned bright red. Makoto leans in closer placing his chin on Byakuya's neck, he closed his eyes and whispered into his ears.

"This is a safe place Byakuya, you can tell me anything. We're in this together."

Byakuya removed his hand and frowned. His expression softened greatly. Byakuya's pale blue eyes met Makoto's.

"People are starting to catch on to our little meetings, Makoto. Haven't you noticed how the girls are avoiding us now? I know Toko was aware, but I didn't think she'd out us." He pushed that stray strand of blonde hair out of his face.  "well... she doesn't know about me being involved. But if I keep letting myself be seen next to you..."

Makoto frowned as well. It's true, ever since the founding of the Piss club, people seemed to want to keep their distance from them. Perhaps it was the forbidden aroma that struck fear in lesser men?

Leon got up from Yasuhiro's lap and walked over to them, but not before whipping his dick out with a wide grin. It was heavily wounded from a horrible assault,  and was covered entirely in bloodied bandages and stiches, but he had confidence it would recover. He winks at Byakuya.

"Maaaaan, who cares what anyone else thinks. You got your homies now."

"You wouldn't understand... If you didn't infect me with your damn fetish, I'd still be normal.  You... you ruined my life!" He snarled viciously.

Leon is stunned. "B-byakuya? I- I thought you accepted us! I thought you changed!" He snapped.

"That's easy for you to say, I have a reputation to maintain. I am a Togami, from the moment I was born, I was expected to be perfect. And I was perfect, until you soiled it all. My legacy, destroyed in a moment. No one cares if peasants like you are into such depravity." He pushed Makoto away from him.

"What are you saying? That we're freaks? That you're above us?" Leon yelled back at Byakuya, not willing to put up with his abusive comments. "You damn posh prick."

Makoto interjects, seemingly a little downtrodden, but holding on to hope. "Please don't fight, Byakuya still needs time to adjust, don't you remember how you felt when I first peed in your mouth? You need to be patient."

Golden Boys | Makoto X Leon X Yasuhiro X ByakuyaWhere stories live. Discover now