Jotaro x Reader 🍋

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You were originally from England but Your parents sent you to live with Abdul when you were young as they found out you had a stand, they were also stand users and good friends with Abdul so they sent you to grow up with him as he could train you to use your stand. You were 6 when you first met him. Your stand is Bad Romance, a pink and white masked figure with 6 separate arms. 3 years later your parents decided to come visit you and Abdul but died in a plane crash which nobody survived. 7 years later at 16 years old Abdul told you that he and a friend would be going to Japan as his friends grandson had gained a stand and it way have something to do with one of their past enemies, Dio Brando. He said they would need plenty of help defeating him and asked if You'd join them. You happily agreed, You'd always wanted to visit Japan. Once you got there you went to a jail cell where Mr Joestars grandson was, his mother, holly, introduced you to him and he said he wouldn't leave the cell until the 'evil spirit' was gone.
Your POV:
Abdul looked at Jotaro then me, "(y/n), use your stand to get him out, even if it means he ends up in hospital." He said with a serious tone, I knew he wasn't joking around instantly. I nodded and stepped closer to the cell, Jotaro looked at me from under his cap with a glare which was just daring me to do harm. "Bad Romance!" I shouted, and my stand appeared, her six arms glowing in anticipation for a real fight, this time it wasn't just a regular fight against Abdul or target practice, it was for real and Bad Romance was excited. Jotaro looked up in shock at my stand before saying "you also have an evil spirit?" I laughed at what he called it. "It's called a stand" I said with a mocking smile which made him glare harder. I then motioned my hand towards the cell bars and Bad Romance gripped all six hands onto the cell bars and ripped them all out, tossing the bars elsewhere. Bad Romance went to grab him before his stand fully came out and stopped her, grabbing all six of her arms. "It revealed itself!" Mr Joestar shouted as we all took a good look at it, it was purple with black hair and had features which resembled Jotaros. "I told you, I'm not leaving before I figure out what this is" Jotaro said before his stand began to grip tighter onto her arms, causing her to bleed. As this happened the injuries transferred to me, causing me to gasp in pain. Bad romance slammed her head onto Jotaros stand causing Jotaro to also feel the pain, he usually never got hurt in fights. His stand lost its grip on my stand and before she could make another move, potentially killing Jotaro I stopped her."Bad Romance that's enough!" I said before she disappeared behind me. Jotaro looked shocked at what he'd done to my wrists and what I'd managed to do to him.
Abdul eventually got Jotaro out of the cell using Magicians Red. You would've been able to finish Jotaro off using Bad Romance but you didn't want to kill him and Abdul didn't like seeing you getting hurt either so you were benched after that first fight which had you a little sad. You went to a cafe with Holly, Jojo, Abdul and Jotaro where you discuss the current situation and the plan to defeat Dio once and for all. You then went back to the Kujo house hold where you'd be staying for a couple weeks while Abdul trained Jotaro and prepare to defeat Dio. The day after the first night Jotaro ran into another stand user who had been sent to kill him by none other than Dio, Jotaro severely wounded him using Star Platinum (his stand) and brought him back where Abdul and I found a strange flesh bud in his brain which Star Platinum then removed using his extreme accuracy, Kakyoin woke up during the removal and revealed he was sent by Dio to kill Jotaro and was being controlled by the flesh bud in his brain. The next day Holly fell ill and was found by mr Joestar and it was revealed that she had gained a stand which was due to a curse placed by Dio and she would die in 50 days unless we defeated Dio so we made plans to go straight to Egypt to kill him and Kakyoin decided he would help out. You instantly set off to Egypt and met Polnareff along the way who battled Abdul but failed therefore he joined us to defeat Dio and told us about his younger sister and he had to defeat the man who'd killed her. We got on a ship shortly after that.
Your POV:
We had been on the ship for around an hour before I began to get sleepy, I hadn't had a good nights sleep earlier due to being somewhere new. I could feel my eyes getting heavier as I leaned on the ships railing next to Jotaro and Kakyoin. "I'm gonna have a quick nap, could one of you wake me up in an hour?" I said stepping away from the railing and stretching. "Sure thing" Kakyoin said with a smile, Jotaro simply nodded before watching me walk away towards the steps which lead underneath the ship and to the bedrooms. I found the room I'd be staying in and lay on the bed, quickly falling asleep to the sounds of the waves crashing against the ship.
(An hour later)
I felt someone gently shaking me in my sleep causing me to groan and sit up, rubbing my eyes as I adjusted to the feeling of being awake. I looked up to see that Jotaro was the one to wake me up, I half expected them to just forget I was even gone. "Thanks for waking me up" I said smiling, getting up and heading to the door. I twisted the handle but the door wouldn't open, I tried again thinking I just wasn't trying hard enough but it was no use, it was locked. I looked back at Jotaro and he had his usual sharp facial expression except his mouth was shaped into a small grin I backed away towards the wall next to the door and began to try the handle again, this time placing my foot on the wall, trying to get it open. "It's locked dumbass" he said, In a bored tone. I turned back to him and gave him a glare. "Well no shit" I said in return to his comment which caught him off guard. "Do you have the key?" I said slightly agitated. "Yeah, but I finally have you alone, I'm not gonna let you go just yet." He said, his face showing the same emotionless expression as usual. He then headed towards me and pinned me up against the wall - by my wrists - of the already cramped room, he looked deep into my eyes before leaning down to give me a passionate kiss, slightly rough too. I didn't kiss back but I didn't fight back either, I simply let it happen. He parted from me before focusing on my neck, kissing and sucking on it, searching for my sweet spot and leaving many hickeys behind, claiming me as his. He grinded up against my small frame as he continued kissing me and went further down my collar bone towards my cleavage, he began to leave hickeys along the top of my breasts just above my shirt. He then stopped and pulled away, stepping back to take a good look at what he left behind, his face contorted into an evil grin as he looked at my face, scared and confused. He let go of my wrists and took off my shirt before pushing his jacket off and leaving it drop to the floor, the chain making a loud thud. He then reached behind my back and unclasped my bra, before talking it off me and tossing it to the ground. I instantly covered my bust as a reflex, "yare yare..." he muttered beneath his breath before moving my arms with ease, due to how strong he was. He was 6'5 and I was only 5'4, there was no way for me to fight back and who knows what using my stand would cause. He pinned both my wrists against the wall and used his free hand to grope my (b/s) bust, he then kissed me once more, this time forcing his tongue into my mouth, this time I kissed back and we fought for dominance. He moved his free hand down to my thigh and gripped it harshly causing me to slightly weaken, resulting in my defeat. I could feel him beginning to harden against my leg as he was so close to me, he then took his tank top off, revealing his extremely buff torso, causing me to gaze in awe. He gave a small smirk at my reaction and picked me up with ease making me gasp in shock before he haphazardly threw me down onto the bed getting on top of me. He then unzipped my short shorts and slid them down my legs as I kicked them off and onto the floor leaving me in just my panties. Jotaro unbuckled his belt and unzipped the zipper before also discarding his pants onto the floor, leaving just his boxers on, his large manhood slightly visible through the thin fabric. He moved his hand to my womanhood which was already dampening at the sight of such a strong dominant man above me, wanting to take my virginity and pleasure himself using my minuscule frame. He gently rubbed my swollen clit through the thin lacy fabric of my panties, making me moan softly.
Star Platinum then appeared and pulled my panties off me as Jotaro took his underwear off, which made me blush and look away. Jotaro placed a finger under my chin and moved my head so I was looking at him. I felt his member push up against my entrance and he kept eye contact as he began to push his large member inside my small cavern, stretching me out for the first time. I let out a shaky moan as he hit my cervix, his length buried deep inside me, twitching due to my tight walls clenching around his manhood. "Fuck~" he moaned out as he pulled out then quickly slammed back inside. The pain I felt when he first entered subsided and pleasure completely took over, and I could tell Jotaro was enjoying it too from his reactions. He began to thrust at a quick but steady pace, he propped himself up with his hand next to my head which was resting on the headboard for support as he slammed inside me, making me feel as if I'd break any second, beneath the sheets, his huge frame towering over me. I rested my hand on his bicep and my other on his neck as I spread my legs further for him to reach deeper inside me. The sounds of my moans, his grunts and a couple curses filled the small room along with the sound of him pounding me, he started to thrust faster and deeper, most likely nearing his orgasm. Out of nowhere we heard some shouting and some footsteps, "Jotaro!? (Y/N)?!" Polnareff shouted, supposedly looking for us considering we'd been gone a while. "Shit" I heard Jotaro mutter in a annoyance as he continued to ram himself inside me. I decided to ignore it for now, the door was locked anyways. "Oi polnareff! Did you check downstairs!?" Mr Joestar shouted to him. "Me and Kakyoin are looking!" Polnareff shouted back. Jotaro looked slightly panicked and so did I, he covered my mouth as I was moaning a little loud and we could get caught, I heard the footsteps nearing then somebody spoke up. "Hey (y/n)? You alright in there?" Kakyoin said outside the door.
Kakyoins POV:
Jotaro went to wake (y/n) up maybe half an hour ago, so me and Polnareff decided to look for them, worried they may have seen a stand user. We went downstairs and I headed straight to (y/n)s room as Polnareff went to investigate the others. I stood outside the door and shouted, "Hey (y/n)? You alright in there?" I waited for a response but I got none so I put my ear up to the door to see if I could hear her. I heard some muffled feminine moans and some masculine grunts and it was enough for me to know what was happening. "EEH? JOTARO?!" I shouted as I could hear him muttering something through the door. "Fuck off!" He yelled and I instantly walked away to find Polnareff. I caught up to Polnareff who had found a porn magazine in a storage room. "Hey look what I found! Jackpot!" He said as he held it up. "Uhh I know where Jotaro and (y/n) are.." I said with a sigh. "Ooh good so where are they?" He said with an unsuspecting smile. "They are in (y/n)s room, I don't think we should disturb them." I said with a smirk at the end. Polnareff instantly understood what I meant and laughed before we both headed back up to tell the others that they are ok.
Your POV:
Jotaro yelled at Kakyoin to fuck off once he found out what we were doing, but a little disturbance didn't bother us, we kept on going like horny rabbits. Jotaro continued to thrust himself in and out of me at a quick pace, going deeper and deeper with each thrust until I could feel him pounding against my cervix. I moaned out louder as I could feel my release nearing and Jotaro began to quicken his pace, causing the bed to slightly wobble and make creaking noises. His thrusts became slightly uneven and sloppier the closer he got to his orgasm and he began to curse under his breath more often and let out more grunts/moans. He thrusted a couple more times before I felt myself unable to contain myself much longer, I reached my climax and let out a long moan as I did so, my walls clenching and tightening around his large girth. Seeing me climax was enough to tip him over the edge, he pounded me a few last times before he buried himself deep inside me, releasing his hot semen. He kissed the crook of my neck as he came, I could feel him twitching inside me as he completely filled me up, to the point where some of his fluids leaked out of me. He slowly pulled out and lay next to me as I caught my breath. Jotaro sat up, leaning against the headboard as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it using his zippo. Jotaro then grabbed me and sat we in front of him so I was sitting between his legs with my back against his torso. He rested his chin on my head as he continued to smoke. "Do you think they know what we did?" I asked, keeping my voice down. "Yeah" he agreed carelessly. I gasped as I begin to think about what they may think of me, especially Abdul...the man that raised me. Jotaro could feel me becoming tense from thinking too much, "Don't worry about it" he said calmly, making some smoke exit through his nose. I leaned back against him, inhaling his scent as I began to day dream.

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