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It was the day before the ball. Elena has just put the girls to sleep. She was sitting on the floor when folding the kid's clothes when there was a knock at the door. She went and opened it seeing Kol. She was pissed he couldn't even tell her that he was ok. "A week seriously!"

He took a breath he knew that she was going to be mad at him and rightfully so. But he had thought that distance was the best thing for them right now. "Elena." 

She scoffed she did not want him to try and calm her down right now. She was pissed she hadn't been sleeping she had been so worried about him. "I haven't heard you in a week your sister told me that you were back."

"I'm sorry." He really was he should have made different choices but he had been scared.

"Sorry, are you serious?" She didn't want to hear his apologies right now. The week without him there had put everything into perspective making her realize things she never thought she would. "You disappeared I couldn't find you your sister had to tell me."

"What do you want me to say?" He wasn't sure what he was supposed to say. He knew it was shitty of him to up and disappear without saying anything to her. But he loved her and he was sure she didn't feel the same way.

"Anything maybe explain why you just disappeared on me." She needed him to say something because she had been scared for him. Scared that he had been hurt or that something had happened to him. "I was worried."

He had messed up he had been scared because he had messed up everything. "I messed up he was never supposed-"

She cut him off he hadn't messed up anything. He couldn't be blamed for it if it was her who had done it. And not having him near the last week had made her realize a lot of things. THe main one being she was in love with him and couldn't bare to lose him. "Listen to me you aren't allowed to leave me again. I messed up it was not your fault it was on me. You always tried to help me you did everything for me. So if anyone's to blame for something going wrong its me. You've done everything possible to help me. You've helped me all you could You've cared for them You've cared for me You've loved me at a time when I wasn't sure what I felt.  But this week without you I love you and I can't bear to lose you again."

He moved closer to her hugging her and she wrapped her arms around him just breathing in his scent.

Hayley walked into Elena's room seeing her sleep with Kol holding her. She was happy that her best friend finally admitted that she was in love with him. "Told you she loved you."

"Hales." He had been scared that he didn't feel the same and he hadn't wanted to lose her either.

Hayley just shook her head she knew that the two of them needed each other. They worked well together and no one could deny that. And seeing her best friend the way she had been without him broke her heart. "Happy You're back she's been a wreck without you."

"She told me I can't leave again." He wouldn't even if she forced him to he loved her too much to abandon her.

"You can't she hasn't slept all week." Hayley wasn't giving him a choice if he tried to leave again she was going to to hunt him down and bring him back herself. "She was waiting for you to come back."

"Im not going anywhere." He refused to leave her alone, especially with how his brother tried to treat her. He refused to let Ethan get close enough to hurt her.

"Get some sleep I'll be downstairs." Hayley knew without each other their lives were a wreck with each other they were peaceful and nothing could go wrong. "You're restless without her."

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