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Elena and Kol walked into the house with the girls Hayley was sitting on the couch watching Hope and Klaus. "Hales."

"Hi, i didn't think y'all would come." She did know her best friend had every right to want to ditch out on spending time with them though. So she wouldn't be able to blame her if she didn't show.

"I didn't want to he made me." She would have preferred to stay at her lake house but she hadn't been able to convince him of that.

Hayley chuckled rolling her eyes she knew he didn't really have to make her do anything. "I'm pretty sure there wasn't much force in that decision."

"I hate you." Even if she couldn't ever hate her if she tried in this moment she did. But she knew her best friend did have a point.

"No you don't you can't hate me i am one of your best friends." Hayley was happy her and Elena became friends  she wouldn't be able to survive this family without her.

"Exactly one of them which means at the given moment i can hate you." She had two other friends to fall back onto but her and Hayley would always have a bond she and the others because of their daughters.

Hayley shrugged she didn't care she still seen a change of attitude in Elena now that she was with Kol which wasn't their weeks ago. "You're still not as cranky as you've been the last few weeks."

"Hey!" Elena didn't think she had been that bad. 

"What!" She had spent weeks telling her best friend that there was nothing wrong with her and Kol dating but she hadn't wanted to listen. "I told you for months you are in love with him but no you wanted to be miss it can't happen. And now look you are happier than i have ever seen you."

"Thanks, Hales." Kol was happy that Hayley had always been on his side when it came to Elena.

She saluted him smiling she had no problem helping him especially since he had been protecting her daughter. "Of course, I owe you one. I don't think i could protect her on my own."

"She was my niece of course." Hope was his family and that made Hayley by default family he wasn't going to let anything happen to them.

"And we all made it through?"

Rebekah walked in with Arabella Ethan and Elijah Arabella was sure Elena would bail on coming back to their house. "I didn't think you'd show?"

"I didn't want to i don't like some of y'all." She could get along with Arabella and Elijah the others she wasn't so sure.

Arabella just needed to clear a few things up and make sure that everything she knew added up. "Wait i just want to clear a few things up he was here the whole time he helped you and you. And none of us were none the wiser."

Hayley nodded it sounded right they had managed to do that and stay clear of the Mikaelson siblings without any problems. "That sounds about right?" 

"They took Aaliyah when she was born and we did our best to pretend like nothing was wrong?" And while Elena had missed her daughter she knew she had been safe with them.

"So you knew about Dahlia."

They all turned to see a blond walking in Hayley and Elena looked at each other confused. "Who is she?"

"Freya Mikaelson."

"Another sister fun." Hayley had enough of the Mikaelson sisters she was sure their was enough of them as it was. 

"Hey Freya long time no see." Kol hadn't seen her in a century since the last time she was awake. 

"You took care of her." Freya had woken up and felt no connection to Dahlia which meant one thing she was finally dead. And for that, she was thankful her aunt was a handful and very dangerous. 

Kol nodded due to Hope and Aaliyah being firstborns he refused to risk Dahlia getting to close to them to take them. So he had tracked everything down so he could kill her once and for all. "Aaliyah and Hope's lives were on the line there was no other option."

"I guess i owe you a thanks?" She was thankful she didn't have to try and kill her. As much as she hated her aunt this was the same woman who had raised her it wouldn't have been easy.

"I tried to find you." But unfortunately, he didn't know how he would find her. 

"Woke up dazed." She woke up only noticing that she wasn't connecting to her aunt it had taken her a while to find them but she was happy she did.

"She's our sister." Rebekah had thought it was only them and now she was finding out she had an entire new sister.

Freya nodded she knew she didn't know any of them she only knew Kol because he was a witch and he had sensed her when he had met her. "Yeah, Dahlia took me when i was a child as payment for the spell she did for mother was going to come after Hope and Aaliyah."

"That's how you knew." Arabella hadn't been able to piece together how he had been able to just sense them. Because he knew someone else in their family was going to try so he had beat them to it.

"Firstborns of our family were in danger i have magic so i made sure i got to them before she did." He hadn't intended to fall in love with Elena in the process he had only wanted to save the next generation of the family and he had. 

"That's a nice fairytale." Hayley hadn't known everything but piecing it together it did make a lot more sense then the original theories. 

Freya looked to her confused not sure what she was getting at. "Huh."

"You're knew here's a history lesson Ethan dated Elena to get back at Klaus because of his ex who Klaus killed Clementine. She got pregnant with twins he started to abuse her and almost killed her it wasn't a part of his plan. Kol came with me who was pregnant with Hope. He helped her saved her and watched over her. Never understood why now that's the missing piece of how he was able to detect it and find us. He fell in love with Elena. Elena kicked Ethan to the curb and told him if he left not to come back. He came back demanding to see Alyssa no one knew of Aaliyah she was with us. A lot more shit happen but here we are. "

"Ok then." Freya could see they had been going through a lot here, but she was happy they made it through. 

"It's been an interesting two years." And that was just to say the least their was still a lot they had to deal. The girls were going to grow up and it wasn't going to be fun.

"You could say that."

"But we made it and we'll be fine." Elena knew if they made it through this they could make it through anything.

Hayley scoffed she didn't think that was true she knew Elena and Ethan were going to be at each others throats. "If you and Ethan don't kill each other sure everything  will be fine."

"It's his fault." Ethan had started it he had only started to date her to get back at Klaus after all.

"My fault." He didn't get how it was his fault.

She was serious ready to put him down he always managed to get on her nerves. "Yeah your fault you abused me almost killed me."

He shot her a glare it wasn't his fault and it wasn't like he was the only one who plotted on her life. She was a doppelganger after all a lot of people wanted to see her dead. "I'm sorry you were born a Petrova doppelganger your life was cursed before you met me."

"Ugh! I want to kill him." Elena clenched her hands together ready to knock him out for the rest of the day.

Kol flashed to her pulling her back knowing her magic was about to go haywire. "No! Stop antagonizing her."

"She started it." It wasn't his fault she couldn't control her temper.

"You started it when you started dating her to  get back at Nik enough." Kol knew if the two continued like this one of them was going to get injured. And Elena was ready to hurt him. "Unless you would like her to fry your brain."


"This is going to be a long eternity."


There is going to be two epilouges that take place when the girls are older

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