Chapter 26

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It was another short discussion among the crew when wrapping up the trip. Miles, Brody, and Anton had brought back another cache of guns and were convinced they would have them all on the next trip over. Lena, Vanessa, and Pepper unloaded all their pointers and tablets in the cargo hold, keeping the pointers on their own to bring to the bridge for when the pilots had a chance to go over them.

The three ladies had decided earlier to take one more trip to the bridge, in hopes of finding more secrets before bringing the other group of three with them. Pepper and Vanessa were still uneasy with the amount of information that could be available on the bridge and whether it could be safeguarded or not, but there was no sense in hiding it. Sooner or later, it would all come out. But for now, they wouldn't mention it. In the meantime, they all got food and rest.

Rest didn't come easy though. Pepper lay next to Vanessa in their bunk, her hand tracing lazy circles on her belly as she nuzzled her neck and making Nessa shiver.

"Hon, hold on, slow down," murmured Vanessa, covering the hand on her belly with her own.

"Is everything alright?" Pepper asked, worried.

"Everything is fine, I just have a feeling we're going to have a visitor," Vanessa stated. "So, let's just see if I'm right."

Pepper thought back to the last two times they were in bed together and her blood began to boil. "Do you think your father and Brody were trying to stop us?"

Vanessa took a deep breath, trying to remain calm at the memory. "My father spoke to me a few days ago after Lena called us lovebirds. He doesn't like us having a relationship on the mission."

"Ahh, he doesn't want us distracted?"

"No, because he wasn't going to say anything to Lena and Miles, and Xavier and Emily are obviously together. He just doesn't want us together because we're both women. I made it clear that I would do what I want, and what I want is you."

Pepper leaned over, softly kissing Nessa's cheek. "And I want you. Thank you for standing up for us."

"We're worth fighting for." Vanessa whispered, turning to Pepper, and pulling her closer for more kisses.

Just in time for the hatch to hiss open once more, allowing her father to stride in.

"Father, how unexpected," Vanessa said while looking over her shoulder at him. "What can I do for you?"

"I was just wondering if you've found anything in your explorations that might be interesting. We haven't heard much in the last few days." Anton replied, his voice tight at the sight of the two women.

"Yes, we have actually. We were planning on showing you as soon as you're done with the guns, we have a little bit of a surprise for you."

"Excellent, it's good to hear that you're not just wasting your time over there."

"I think you'll be quite pleased with what we have to show you."

"I'm sure I will be." Anton continued, trying not to look at the two women under the covers.

"If possible, we'd like to see if Emily can join us when we show you, assuming we can modify the schedule to free her up," Vanessa suggested. "Lena thought she might be able to help with a particular item.

Anton raised his eyebrows in surprise, then smiled slightly. "I'm sure that can be arranged."

"Excellent. Now, if you excuse me, I'd like to make love to Pepper before we get some sleep."

Anton's lip curled in distaste, but he turned and left without another word.

"That wasn't uncomfortable at all. Completely normal," Pepper muttered.

"I never knew how old fashioned he was when it came to relationships like ours." Vanessa apologized. "I don't understand how reasonable he can be about everything except this."

"He can think what he wants, it shouldn't affect us." Pepper started kissing along Nessa's jawline up to her ear, eliciting moans from her lover. "But if he interrupts again, he better be prepared for me to not stop doing whatever I'm doing to you."

Vanessa's moans turned to a choked cough at the thought. "Oh, that might go a little too far!"

"Then we need to head it off before it happens."

"Agreed. This is three times in a row when he or Brody have popped in, and it isn't hard to understand why."

"I didn't realize he would be so against us being together, I'm sorry to have put you in that position." 

"You have nothing to be sorry for Honey, this is all on him and his outdated thinking. There is nothing he can do to stop how I feel for you or how I want to live my life," Nessa whispered while capturing Pepper's lips with her own.

"Well then let me show you just how I feel about you too Nessa," Pepper murmured while nuzzling her neck. "And we better not get interrupted or I'm sending someone out the airlock!" Pepper quickly ducked her head under the blanket, and let her hands wander over Nessa's body until all thoughts of the previous interruptions were completely lost to their minds.

The next shift found the six explorers gathered together planning the day's excursion, while Emily and Xavier manned the bridge once more. But before they all got into their suits to head over, Vanessa pulled her father aside.

"I'm going to say this for the last time father. My relationship with Pepper is none of your business. I know you seem to have an issue with it, but you need to get past that. No more people coming by our cabin for bullshit reasons, no looks, or comments. Is that clear?" Vanessa demanded.

"That is no way to talk to your father!" Anton growled.

"You're not acting like a father! You're just trying to control something that you should have no part of and no say in!"

"You're my daughter, and I have every right to say what is best for you!"

"And I have every right to tell you to back off! I'm not a kid, I've been an adult for a long time, and you don't get any input into my personal life."

"It isn't right for the CEO to be with someone of the same sex!" Anton pushed.

"Why the hell not? There are many other companies out there that have corporate officers in same sex relationships and marriages, why should we be any different? Vanessa retorted, her temper rising.

"Because that isn't what I want for my company!"

"It isn't your company anymore!" Vanessa pointed out. "But if you keep pushing, I can make it so that it is. I'll resign my position and you and Jason can run the company yourself. I don't need it if it means I'm going to have to deal with this bullshit for the rest of my life!"

"You wouldn't dare!" Anton complained. "That company is our family legacy!"

"It is your legacy, not mine. I can make my own, so don't push me! Why the fuck is this so important? Look outside the damned window! That planet, that ship, this mission, that is what should matter! You, the man who loves this planet more than anything else, are throwing the entire mission into turmoil and killing the team's chemistry because you have to be an anachronistic bastard!"

Vanessa turned and left to go get her suit, leaving her father sputtering and turning red. He was being a damned fool, why did her relationship with Pepper have to overshadow what was right outside the ship?

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