Chapter 29

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The next meeting that was held before the trip over to the alien craft was tense. It was held on the bridge so that everyone was available. Xavier was on duty, with Lena having just been relieved and getting ready for sleep. Brody was there, though he had bags under his eyes. Evidently, he had been in too much pain to sleep well. Pepper and Vanessa were fine with that.

"So, we're all on board with heading to the bridge today?" Anton asked, his eyes sweeping over everyone.

Xavier and Lena were the only grumpy ones since they wouldn't be going. Brody kept his eyes on the deck, which saved him from seeing Pepper who was constantly staring daggers at him. Emily looked particularly excited since it would be her first time off the ship since they had left the space station.

"Does anyone have any questions?" Anton continued.

"Yes, I do," Vanessa chimed in. "Did you send Brody to our cabin after our last shift?"

"Vanessa, this isn't the time for that," Anton growled. Brody's head shot up, fear in his eyes.

"This is the time. I warned you yesterday what would happen if you kept interfering in our relationship, but you couldn't stop. So now everyone can know that you're a homophobic bastard. I'm letting you all know, that as soon as we get home, I'm giving all of the shares I have in PASSpace to whichever competitor I decide offers the most benefit." Vanessa yelled. "I'm done."

"Don't be a fool!" Anton scoffed. "Have you seen our stock price since we've been out here? None of our competitors could afford to buy you out!"

"Father, I said give, not sell. I'm going to give it free of charge." Vanessa held his stare with her own, she knew that with the number of shares she owned as CEO, that would spell the end of the company in short order, they would be absorbed into whichever company she gifted the shares to. "All of these people are our witnesses. If you think I'm being rash or too impulsive then fine, but you're the one driving this. If you don't respect me and my decisions, then I don't want to be a part of you and the company anymore."

"Don't do this!"

"Do you think another chance would matter? Can you go the rest of the mission without interfering? And stay out of my life when we get home?" Vanessa demanded.

Everyone was in shock at the confrontation, not having been privy to their earlier discussions. Even Pepper, who had known that Vanessa was angry with her father didn't understand how passionate about it she was.

"You'd lose billions and give up your job? For a girl?" Her father's face was ashen with shock.

"Anyone on this mission could walk into almost any aerospace company on the planet and be offered a top position without an interview, I'm not worried about a job. And I'm not doing this for a girl," Vanessa yelled at him, making air quotes around girl, "I'm doing this for Pepper and for myself. You're just doing this for an outdated, bullshit moral code that was never valid. Is that worth losing your only child and your company?"

Anton looked as though he'd rather be anywhere but the bridge and stayed still with his eyes closed for a moment. "Fine, your life is your own, I'll stay out of it. Brody, you too."

"Thank you, father." Vanessa remained calm, trying not to be too jubilant, but on the inside, she was jumping for joy that she had been able to stand up for what she wanted. Now she just had to hope he kept his promise.

"So can we get on with the mission now?" Emily asked quietly, not wanting to get in the middle of the argument. "No offence, but I really want to get off the ship!"

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