8- Diner

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After another long day of school I dropped my bag down next to my desk and flopped onto my bed. School sucked all the energy out of me and all I wanted to do was take a nap but I knew I still had work to do. I only had today to read the next 4 chapters to my biology textbook and if I want to get any of it done I would have to start now. 

I grab the book and began to read. It was extremely boring, all I wanted to do was get it over with. 

After 30 minutes I only got through half of a chapter. I let out a sigh before continuing to read. Not that long after my phone begins to ring. Desperate for a chance to get away from the books I check to see who it is.


Accept ✅          Decline❌

I would like to say that I ignored the call and continued reading like a responsible person but no I picked up the phone immediately and accepted the call. 

"Bitch come with me to the diner for dinner I'm hungry and don't want to go alone," Cassie said as soon as I accepted the call.

"Geez demanding much," I reply laughing slightly. "I would love to but I have to read something for my classes,"

"Come on they're not gonna check if you read it or not," She shrugged. "Plus you've gotta live a little don't let school work control you," 

"Fine but I told Tommy that I'd join his stream with Tubbo in 2 hours," I state.

"Ya sure go with your boyfriend Tommy instead of hanging out with your best friend since you were 11," Cass grumbles.

"Firstly Tommy is not my boyfriend, and secondly of course I want to hang out with you I've just been super busy with streaming stuff," I explain to her. 

"Alright then hurry up and meet me at the diner near your place because I'm starving," She complained. "And your going to pay with all your streamer money,"

"Well my streamer money is nonexistent because I used it all on stupid shit you guys made me buy," I explain to her as I walk to the dinner.

"That was fun," She stated thinking about the memory.

"Yep totally I wasted so much money on your dumb shit," I replied sarcastically. 

"Are you here yet," She groaned impatiently.

"Almost," I said. "I'm surprised your older then me when you honestly act like your a child,"

"No if you want to know how a child really acts Tommy is a prime example," 

"True that," I laughed as I went into the diner. I hang up on the call when I see Cassie sitting alone at one of the tables. "Helloooo,"

"Oh hey Tia you finally decided to show up how nice of you," She stated.

"It's only been five minutes drop the sarcasm," I said as I sat down next to her.

"Geez someone's in a bad mood what's up," Cassie questioned. 

"It's nothing really I just never realized how hard it is to juggle school, being a popular streamer, and all of my friends," I explain. "It's just stressful you know, but it's fun at the same time. There's really nothing I'd rather do," 

"Your doing great Tia honestly, it was hard enough getting through school without having to worry about streaming," She said wrapping her arm around me. Cassie is honestly the best, although she's incredibly annoying she's always there when I need her. 

"Thanks Cass," I smile.

"No problem, now can we quit this emotions shit and start eating I'm fucking hungry," 

"Sure thing, so what were you thinking of ordering," I ask. We spoke for a bit about boring stuff until the waiter came to take our order. We both decided to get chicken and waffles with a side of chips (a/n is that what they call french fries in the uk). After our order was taken the waiter left and we continued talking.

"Well Tia I'm gonna go talk to the hot waiter chic near the entrance while we wait for the food," Cassie said standing up. 

"Alright cool," I reply. 

While she's gone I check some of my socials, liking some of the good fan arts I see from Tommy's vlogs. While watching a couple tik toks I notice that I got a message. I decided to look and see who the message was from. 



To say I was confused would be an understatement. She spends the past month bullying me at every chance she gets and she just says hey. 

I decide to ignore the message, it was probably a mistake maybe she meant to send it to someone else. I was too busy thinking about the message to realize Cassie sat back down at our table.

"You alright?," She questioned. "You look odd,"

"Um yep I'm good," I smiled as the waiter began to walk over with the food. 

"Great because I'm literally starving," She said. 

Once the food was put on the table we began to eat and the message left my mind.


I know you read my message answer me

A/N: Totally did not write a new part to Sweet Tea instead of starting ShitShow because i'm procrastinating. I honestly have no idea how to write it. 

JuMp In ThE cAdIlAc 

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JuMp In ThE cAdIlAc 

anyways that's all byeeeee my little shits

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