𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝐵𝑢𝑟💛💚// DreamBur

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"Well well well," the voice chuckled humorlessly as he heard the steps slowly approach him, "if it isn't the filthy slut that crawls around my school... What are you doing out in the courtyard at midnight, huh?"

His face twisted slightly in annoyance, "I don't believe I am obliged to answer your question, but for your information, I am taking a breather, and you're contaminating the air surrounding us with your foulness."

"Ha! Amusing one you are," the voice laughed darkly, their breath now tickling the skin around his neck. "Though, I think I would prefer it if you shut your pretty little mouth more often and just comply with the orders from your superiors."

"Oh, I'm sorry that I misinterpreted your statement, your highness," he rolled his eyes, the sarcasm practically dripping from his words, "but I thought you wanted me to answer your question? It sounds like you would prefer it if I blatantly ignored your whole existence. Which, by all means, would be my pleasure to do so."

The other hummed, seemingly in thought before they spoke up once more, "you could, but I would try my best to get you to converse with me once more- even if that means blackmailing you." He could practically hear the other smirking.

He let out a sigh, exasperated, "Prime, why can't you just leave me alone?"

"You're fun to tease," came the answer with the subtlest hint of a giggle, like it was obvious. Like he should've known it all along.

"And you're annoying," he quipped back, whipping his head around so he was glaring directly at the other's brilliant chocolate brown eyes, shining with mischief in all its glory, before turning back so he could avoid staring into those pupils and wishing he could drown in them.

It would've been more captivating, had he not known who those bewitching eyes belonged to, but now, it only managed to piss him off even more. He felt feverish at how it made his chest flutter, even when he was supposed to be furious at them. It wasn't fair.

What's even worse was that they knew how they could make him feel, and used it to their advantage. How it made him flustered, even daring to give him pet names just to see how he'd react. It was unacceptable, the fact that they held so much power over him and his emotions. How they reigned over his feelings and toyed with his expectations-

He hated it- and loved it at the same time.

He loved how the other would get overprotective- borderline possessive- over him sometimes. He enjoyed the attention they would feed him, relished in their little squabbles, adored their presence, even if he'd never be able to bring himself to admit it.

There was a reason he tried so damn hard in his classes, so that he could exceed the other and gloat in their face without receiving much backlash. Fun times.

The other encircled their arms around his waist, tight to the point where it felt suffocating and constricting. His eyes widened as he let out a gasp, wincing at how seemingly unyielding their arms were.

"Wilbur-" He started, only to let out a soft moan when the other practically grinded against him- oh Prime, he could feel the bump in their pants-, "w- what are you doing?!" He whisper-yelled, even though there was nobody in the area as far as his eyes could see.

"I'm railing you." He shivered, drenching in the feeling of the hot breath on his ear as his brain took its time to process their answer.

"Y-you're- you're what?!" He blinked when the realization hit him, his eyes once again on the other. He could feel his cheeks heat up in embarrassment, "... you're kidding."

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