𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑁𝑎𝑝💚❤️‍🔥 // DreamNap

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your such a fucking whore!" the brunette barked at his boyfriend, they where in the middle of a heated argument. The blonde stared daggers back into his boyfriends eyes, "its not my fault you have a microscopic dick?!" Dream teased walking into their bedroom and grabbing a bag from under the bed.

He kept a packed bag hidden away under the bed for when situations like this occurred, it contained a few sets of clothes and other necessities he would need for a nights stay. "Me?! You can last five fucking minutes in bed?!" the elder of the two cursed. This fight was rather amusingly to their neighbours who were listening in like this was a soap opera. "well maybe if you knew how to edge properly I wouldn't!"

Dream slung the bag over his shoulder and made his attempt at pushing past George. "well maybe if you knew how to keep your legs- where are you going?!" George asked yelling at the man white he knew as his boyfriend. "to a friends!" Dream answered back waking out their front door. "oh I've already heard that excuse hundreds of times!" George screamed before realising Dream wasn't stopping to argue back.

"well- well we're over so don't come crawling back!" the brunette stammered, Dream could hear the door slam behind him. This was their fourth fight this month, Dream was surprised that George hadn't ended it sooner. After all every argument was about Dream sleeping around with other men, this information unlocked the context on why George had called him and whore earlier on.

All he had to do was walk across the hall, he said he was going to a friends but he never said which. He gave a knock on the door standing in front of him, sounds of it being unlocked could be heard. The door opens to reveal one of his 'friends' well he wasn't just a friend he was a friend with benefits. "hey, I heard what happened. quite literally." Sapnap yawned, most likely exhausted from work.

Remember when I said the neighbours were listening in? Yeah Sapnap was one of them and he heard the whole thing. "come on in then." The dark haired male offered letting his friend into his apartment, so what if his friend was a cheating son of a bitch? He just liked dick and his partners was too small to satisfy him.

Dream drop himself and his bag onto Sapnaps couch, "so what you wanna do? you have anymore of that weed?" Dream interrogated, he remembered his last time get high with Sapnap it was very memorable. They had ended up having sex on the balcony. "nah, my dealer got arrested."

"damn that sucks ass, he had some good shit." Dream replied watching as Sapnap nodded in agreement. "so.. wanna fuck?" The blonde asked, the dark haired man laughed. "that's the main reason you came here isn't it?" Sapnap smirked, it wasn't often he and Dream got to do this. George was always interrupting with his clingy-ness.

"you know me so well babe." Dream chuckled before climbing onto Sapnaps lap, straddling him. The blonde leaned in disposing of the gap keeping their faces away from each other, he could feel Sapnaps hot breath hitting his face. He started grinding his clothed cock against the dark haired males lower chest. "you really are eager aren't you?" Sapnap said moving away from the kiss for a slight second.

The blonde just winked at him, both males stood up both still holding on to each other,
The dark haired man started leading the other male towards the bathroom, "we having shower sex tonight?" Dream questioned, Sapnap repeated the mans earlier actions giving the blonde a wink.

Both started to strip down until they had nothing left to hide, "lady's first dear~" Dream joked holding the shower cubicle door open for his companion, "you know you'll regret saying that." Sapnap chuckles, eyeing up the taller male in front of him. Both climbed into the cubicle that already had warm water streaming down on them, Dream went to bend down to kiss the other once again but is pushed down on his knees in the process.

"I don't think you realise who's in charge here~" Sapnap sneered with a wide grin on his face, Dream let out a determined smile as he opened wide giving Sapnap opportunity to shove his cock down the others throat. Dream squeezed his mouth around it giving it a tighter feeling making Sapnap groan. The blonde starting bobbing his head on it like he was bobbing for apples.

He felt a hand pat in his head and now wet hair, "George was correct you really are a whore~" it was surprising that the brunette was actually correct about something, but anyone could've answered this question. Dream pulled his head off the mans cock before he was able to climax, Sapnap let out a whimper from the heat leaving his dick. "aww is the puppy sad?" The blonde snickered, Sapnaps hand reached for the males chin and surrounded it with his hand.

"do you want me to fuck you brainless or not bitch?" The dark haired man said threatening to not let dream have what he desired. It was very cruel of him to do so, but deep down Dream knew that Sapnap was too turned on to stop here. Dream nodded as he's pulled up into a standing position before being bent over. Without warning him he shoved himself deeply inside the other male.

Dream let out a high gasp, his anal cavity was getting mashed like they where some sort of vegetable. "So, is it bigger than George's?" Sapnap asks as he continues to pound his crotch into the other. "y-YES OBVIOUSLY~" Dream rejoiced, he was in heaven. As the ordeal ended they where both laying inside Sapnaps bed. The blonde heard his phone buzz, he turned over to check the notification.

It read, 'Dream come home please I'm sorry, I miss you <3'.

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