Sunday, 21.03

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I haven't written here for about a week? But, to be honest, I needed that break. And well, i found a nice place to live in the vault, since my parents live up with the spirit mantas, I only go there when necessary though.

I don't really have much but I'm still happy with what I have!
What I enjoy very much is going to Daylight Prairie, to the big mountain behind the birds nest. I like listening to the jellyfish. They remind me of the spirit mantas I saw at home when I was younger. They make me feel like I belong
And sometimes you need that.
Just something for your comfort
I love seeing them underwater at the Valley too! They look so elegant everywhere.

I saw a spirits gate when I came to the Valley, and I might look into that more.
But for now it's way too cold there, so I might try getting used to the cold first before doing anything else.

I'm slowly learning to play the harp! It's very fun to play compared to my horn!

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