friday, still

5 1 0

Is he gonna say something? I can swear he's been standing like that for at least 5 minutes
I'll just
Try to start a conversation with him
Shouldn't be that hard, right?

I'll get him to loosen up, he needs it, in my opinion at least
I mean he looks like one of those green little soldier figures standing there like the most uncomfortable person I've ever seen
Oh well, it's he's probably gonna loosen up soon

He looks pretty cute
He really tried looking pretty today, huh
Well, he achieved what he wanted, and to be honest, seeing him like this is beautiful

I still hope I'll get his name
I bet it's really pretty
I know it is
It has to be
I mean
It's him of all people
I mean it's definetly gonna be better than ”Jovezeu“

Yeah, that's my name
I know very well that it sucks ass.

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