Ch3:The date

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Hank was once again walking in the middle of nowhere, He didn't really remember, but for some reason he felt like he needed to be somewhere, and he needed to be on time, it wasn't a mission, but for some reason it felt just as important, suddenly he saw a carnival up ahead, he walked over there and looked around, surprisingly, some of the rides were still working, and carnival music was playing, though it sounded distorted and rewind a couple of times, Hank seemed to like it

???:Well well well! Look who's right on time!

A voice boomed from one of the rides, Hank turned to see the clown on top of the ferris wheel, it wasn't working, but Tricky's legs were, cause once Tricky made his announcement, he jumped off the ferris wheel, did a flip all the way down, and landed with the splits, Hank just stared at Tricky

Tricky:What? No reaction? Come on! That was cool as fuck!

Hank clapped his hands slowly and nodded

Hank:Fair point

Tricky jumped back up to his feet and walked up to Hank

Tricky:So, ya ready?

Hank tilted his head in confusion

Tricky:What? You forgot already? Well, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, you did get pretty fucking wasted!

Tricky laughed, Hank was still confused, then like a stop sign, it hit him, the bar...The alcohol...The shit he said, Hank froze


Tricky:Ah! Refreshing your memory I see!

Hank:...That's why I came here

Tricky:Well that or you were hoping they were still giving out free hotdogs

Tricky laughed again

Tricky:But sadly no, they're all gone

He said before he let out a loud belch, which not so suspiciously smelled a bit like pork, Hank sighed and placed his finger and his thump between his eyes and nose, out of all the crazy shit he has done, this was the most fucked up...But that doesn't mean he wouldn't do it

Hank:Alright, let's do this

Hank took Tricky by the hand and guided him to the first lovey dovey ride he could find, and wouldn't you know it, he saw one of those love boat that you ride while going in a tunnel, Hank dragged Tricky and sat in one of the boat, and believe it or not, it still worked, the boat started moving, and off they went, the usual crap played out as they moved, cupids, love songs, all that other mooshy shit, Hank put his hands on his face, regretting coming in here

Tricky:Soooo, is this your idea of a date or?

Hank:No...But it's an attempt

Tricky:Well no offense, buuuut your attempt kinda sucks ass

Hank:Thank you for pointing out the obvious

Hank growled, Tricky looked at Hank, noticing the blush on his face, even tho it was covered

Tricky:Soooo, why'd ya bring us here.

Hank:I don't know how the hell dates go, all I know is how to kill and blow up shit, I don't know what to do with someone I DON'T wanna kill!

Tricky nodded

Tricky:Fair point, But seriously, just because you go on a date with someone, doesn't mean you gotta do all that lovey dovey shit right off the bat, especially if that someone is me

Tricky laughed, Hank couldn't help but chuckled, he realized that this was pretty stupid, and just at that moment, he knew what to do

Hank:How about we spice things up a bit?

Tricky:Depends, what exactly do you mean by "Spice things up"?

Hank pulled out a AK27, and handed another one to Tricky

Hank:Shall we?


And with that, the clown and the assassin turned the carnival into they're own reck room, or "reck-val" as Tricky put it, they had their hands on each other shoulders as they cackled and left what was left of the carnival

Tricky:Now THAT was a date!

Hank:Hell yeah it was...Would you like to go out again sometime?

Tricky:If it means destroying more boring ass places like this, of course!

Hank:Great, see you then

And with that, they went their separate ways, until they meet again

(Ooc:Wow! I actually made it a little earlier this time! But anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for reading my story and giving me such nice comments! Really makes me feel good when people like the weird shit I write, I'll be bringing y'all more chapter's soon, so stay tuned!)

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