Chapter 5

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Benny POV

Charms class is so much fun especially with Corra there. We all head out to the courtyard. The girls are all talking about Blaise Zabini. Grace saw him and now she is crushing on him, major crushing.

"So Benny, you like Corra?"Harry asks

"Yup, I mean how could you not"I say

"Well I like Hermione"Ron says

"What about you Harry?"I ask

"Umm no one"

"Not even Grace?"Ron says

"Nope and I am serious" He says looking at me

"What are you guys talking about" Grace ask

"Nothing"Harry says

While Hermione and Grace are going over the Charms Homework with Ron and Corra, Harry pulls me aside to talk.

"Okay you can't tell this to anyone not even Ron or Grace"


"I like Cho Chang"

"Chang out of all people that, so obsessed only thinks about boy Chang"I say

Harry punches me in the arm.

"Hey I am not judging you about Corra please don't judge me"He says

"Okay, Okay"

Grace POV

We all go to the Potions classroom with Professor Snape with the Slytherins so I finally get to meet Blasie Zambini!

"Everybody take a seat" Professor Snape says

We all sit down. Corra points to a boy sitting next to a blond jock looking guy. He is cute, imagine being with him all the time.Professor Snape only introduced us to the basics today, he has a huge disliking for Harry. He seems to love Draco and tolerate gryffindors but likes me and Benny. I have no idea why but I am going to the Library after school to find out. Hermione and I walk to Defense against the dark arts classroom with Harry and Ron, Benny and Corra are off somewhere but they will make it to class.

"Okay class take your seats, I see everybody is here but where is Corra and Benny"Professor Quirell asks

"We are here Sorry we are late we got busy talking about potions"Corra says

Corra sits next to me and Benny sits next to Harry.

"Corra girl, why are you late?" I ask

"Benny just needed help with a potion that's all"Corra says

"Okay, okay"

Corra POV

Quirrell goes on forever and the Slytherins are not even paying attention neither are the Gryffindors only the Hufflepuffs but thank god we aren't with those teacher pets Ravenclaws.

"Okay class dismissed please research the Knockback Jinx as well as Zombies. I need a one page description on them by next class." Quirrell says

Hermione walks out talking to Benny, Harry, and Ron about zombies.

"Corra you can't hangout with Benny privately all the time" Grace says

"Why not?" I ask

"Because the next thing you know your late for a class with Benny people will think that you were making out in the common room or something"Grace says

"And"I say

"We are only first years so no dating not until the third year at least and that will bring down our popularity" Grace says

"Like popularity is the only thing that matters"I say

"Well it does matter in a way it is nice to have connections"

"Like with the whole school"

"Okay point made now I have to go to the Library with Hermione and don't let me find out that you were making out with Benny"

"Okay see you later"I say as I walk to my common room to finish my homework.

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