Meliodas x reader (fluffy+depression)

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(Your pov)

It was a normal day in liones castle you as a princess of liones and a sister of Elizabeth
You where as long friends with the seven deadly sins and today they where heading on a trip to camelot.

(Meliodas pov)
Today me and the seven deadly sins are heading to camelot but me and (Y/N) made a promise so that we will together find all of the seven deadly sins but...
We haven't wound Escanor.
So I first need to find her so I headed to the other sins "Yo, guys"
"What captain.what we doing now" ban replied still drinking. Like always "we need to get (y/n) an bring her" I said
"She's at the castle having her dinner with the other princess" ban yelled not knowing that tho.

(Your pov)
Me my sister's and Gil where all eating dinner until " you should act more girly y/n" Gilthunder said while I ate my food I was depressed because of Gilthunder and my sister's but Elisabeth was like my mom I love her so much u told her about my depression but it hasn't helped I still cut and I don't feel pain much anymore.So after Gil insulting me Margaret his little lover said " well you aren't
wrong love" so I had enough and left. And I cut not one but two long cuts in my wrists until...

(Meliodas pov)
I went to the palace and look in the dining room and she wasn't there so I went to her room and she was. Crying? I jump off Hawks moms back and in her room. "Y/N!" I yell she turned her head and as soon as she saw me she ran up to me in tears "Mel! Your here" the (h/c) girl yelled in happiness." I did say I would help u find all seven of us" I said as I put my chin on the shoulder." Right we need to get escanor " she said as she broke the and jumped on the wood ladder waiting for us to get on I jumped on with her.

(Your pov)
After that meeting I went up the ladder holding Mel's hand I saw he was blushing?I giggle a bit and blush a dark blush when we got on the giant green pig we saw all the sins waiting for us I saw Diane she. Was. Small?  "Diane! Your small" I ran up to her she was my best friend.   "Hiya! Y/n how u been"
"Good"  you reply I let her go and asked Mel where I would sleep " with me of course" he said and gave his sly smirked I laugh" oh well ok but u better make a good choice so he gets tied up or not you decide" hawk said ready with a rope " I-Ill be ok with him without a rope on hawk ok" I reply "ok but be careful" hawk said and walked of to finish his scraps.

(Meliodas pov)
y/n has been acting weird lately so we all went to be but ban of course was drinking... Again. Honestly. So when she went to go to sleep I pulled up her sleave and then...

(Y/N pov)
I woke up with a jolt as I also hissed in pain because someone touch my cut's and then I saw Mel crying? " Mel what's wrong!" I  say "y-y-you c-cut y-y-yourself.why!" he cry more than he all ready was. "I-I-I did it because i-im n-n-not wante-  before I could finish my sentence meliodas kissed me! WHAT. I soon kissed back and then we pulled away he smiled." I love you my little human " he said as I ruffled his hair saying." I love you to my little shorty. "And with that we stopped crying an git in bed and Mel with a blink went straight to sleep because of how much he cryed. All I could think about was Mel and his beautiful face and I drifted I to a deep slumber...

Pt 1.

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