Chapter 2: Method part 1

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Harry is considering destroying the ministry, and Draco is starting to make ... friends? That can't be right. What's going on?

Harry Potter

"I think it's mad," Hermione says.

"Come on, Hermione. Harry's right." Ron argues. "The Ministry has caused a bloody lot of problems."

The five of us, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, and I, sit in the library after classes. We're taking turns studying for school and studying Lord Voldemort. Since there was a new potions teacher (Snape's teaching the Dark Arts), I was allowed in. I had found a book that Hermione (And Benjamin in secret) was studying for me. Hermione thought I should ditch the book, but Benjamin said that there were spells that could be dark ones. He suggested that I keep those spells for just-in-case, which means Tom Riddle and the Ministry.

"I think the Ministry's too much for us to handle, at the moment." Neville points out. "Besides, it's easy enough to handle. A peaceable protest's never hurt anybody. Plus, there's always voting."

"I think Neville's right," Luna says, "But then again, it's never quite worked for my family. Everyone just dismisses it."

Ginny walks up to the table, laying a stack of books on it. "I'm with Harry and Ron."

"Of course you are." Hermione points out.

Ginny huffs, "The Ministry's messed up a lot. Our Dad's part of it, our brother's part of it, and it's still done little to help us."

"Plus, it's killed Sirius," I point out, angrily.

Silence fills the table.

"Look, all I'm asking is that you rebel with me, just a little more. We, more than anyone, can change things for the better."

More silence, as each contemplates my words.

"Look, Harry," Hermione begins. "I'm with you. I'll help you take down Lord Voldemort, but taking down the Ministry is a step too far. I'm not going to help you play god, Harry."

She returns to her books.

"I'm with her, Harry. I know you're broken up over Sirius's death, but as your friend, if you cross that line, you'll go too far." Neville adds, before turning to his book.

"Well, screw that. Harry, you're my best friend. I'm with you every step of the way." Ron announces.

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