Chapter 1: Doubt part 4

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Previously, Harry Potter discussed things with a Hufflepuff a year younger than him who decided to visit. Both of them feel that the Ministry of Magic is hurting it's people. Will Harry choose to forgive the ministry? Is the Ministry the order that protects the innocent or the iron shackles that keep them imprisoned and in pain? Is our beloved golden hero, the boy who lived about to become the boy who broke everything about wizard society as we know it? Find out!

Olivia sucks in a breath. "They just aren't doing what they're supposed to. They hurt people, my friends. I- I want a better government. One that we were supposed to have." She laughs a little. "Not that you'd care about how they hurt me. I guess what I'm saying is if you want to take down the Ministry, I have your back. If not, well, then you have a kindred spirit 'cause I feel the same way."

"But first, Lord Voldemort needs to be dealt with."

Olivia shudders. "I'm sorry. My brother has more confidence than me."

"So, he can say it, but you can't?"

"He says that he'd be a worse villain than V-Voldemort, so there was no reason for him to be scared."

I think back to her brother, Benjamin Haiden. Those cold violet-blue eyes were the same as Olivia's warm ones, just like they shared wavy blonde hair and small noses, yet he seemed so different. Benjamin Haiden was a distant, cold soul. I might even say evil if it weren't for his twin being so good a person. "That seems right."

"So, friends?" Olivia asks, standing and holding out a hand.

"Yeah, friends." I agree. Olivia leaves, waving farewell, as I look out the library windows into the foggy grey sky. Lord Voldemort, or Tom Riddle, would need to be killed. After that, anyone's guess. Why should I call him Lord Voldemort when his given name is Tom Riddle? There's no reason to call him by the name he chose for himself.

Because I am Harry Potter, and I will be his killer.

Draco Malfoy

"Draco!" Mom calls from up the stairs. "Come on up!"

I do carefully ascending the stairs and reaching the library. "Yes, Mother?"

"Hush," Mom whispers with a sad smile, wrinkling the skin around her eyes further. Her black hair only goes to her chin, replaced by a blonde color closer to my own. "Your father isn't here, so you can call me Mom."

I bow my head respectfully. "Yes, Moth- Mom."

Mom laughs, "Your father drilled all of this into your head, didn't he?"

"Of course, Mom." I allow a small smile to play on my lips, carefully concealing my feelings. "Assuming you hadn't called me to flout Father's rules, why am I here?"

"According to your father, y-"

"Thought you could have this conversation without me?" The Howler cries, in my father's voice, his figure as I remembered it, "You thought wrong. I told you that I would be the one to inform our son-" He spits out the word with disgust, "-about the circumstances. I am the head of the household. Do not go against me. Son, your grades have not been good enough." Father says with a sharp decisiveness that cuts down my sudden anger. His long blonde hair and dark robes make him look like a truer wizard than I ever could, with my short, platinum blonde hair and awkward poise. Even with his veneer of nobility stripped away, he looks every bit a pure-blood wizard. His blonde hair is slightly messy, and he shudders hat with each breath. Something is wrong with his eyes. His face has a pallor to it; He can't be getting much sleep. Harry Potter. I remind myself. He's the one who got my father into Azkaban. He's the reason He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named ordered me to- threatened to- never mind.

I was just lucky that he was allowed to send us letters, like now. "While you have passed, and even excelled, at all your classes, your fellow students are better. Your classwork is not as good as that of the Ravenclaw members, or even of that mudblood, Hermione Granger. There is even a Slytherin with better grades than you got, a younger kid named Benjamin Haiden. He comes from a no-name wizard family, and he's a halfblood. I expected better. Until such time that you improve your grades, you will need a tutor!"

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