Part 11: The Dating Plan

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The next day

"You want me to do what?" I ask, jumping from my chair. Gladys gives me a clam and collected look which only makes me angrier.

"It's just fake dating. Only a few outings together. Just till the stories or should I say rumors are out of the papers" she says.

No no no, there's not a chance.

"I don't even know him!" I whine, backing up and collapsing in my seat.

"Oh sorry, did I not introduce myself? I'm Luke Patterson, Duke" he says, a giant smirk plastered on his face.

More like douche.

"Whatever Lucas"

"It is imperative that we do this. Y'all will have chances to get to know one another but we can't have rumors going around about you and prince Reginald. Not this close to the wedding" She informs me.

"It wasn't even me and Reggie there. I was just going to get my best friend as was Luke. Me and Reggie weren't there together. They have it all wrong"

"Your just so excited to date me, aren't you?" He teases again.

I swear if he says one more comment, I'll slap the smug smirk off his stupid face.

"It doesn't matter what you tell the papers, they'll always twist things. Which is exactly if they see you and Luke out, they will assume" she says, ignoring Luke's antagonizing against me.

"But-" I start to argue then Carrie interrupts me.

"Julie please" Carrie pleads. The emotion in her voice is all I need.

"Fine" I agree, begrudgingly. Gladys smiles the most triumphstic smile ever. I however would rather step on a floor full of legos.

But when it comes to my sister, there isn't much I won't do. She's taken care of me for most of my life. She thought be to be the best big sister for Carlos. no matter how much I hate it, I owe her this.

"Great! So tomorrow, you will go to London Eye. This time of year they have the most wonderful set up" Gladys says, writing things in her giant book.

"London Eye?" I ask and Luke snorts.

"You don't even know what that is. Dang babe"

Like I'm supposed to know, I don't freaking live here. And when he said babe, I wanted to gag.

"It's England's tallest Ferris Wheel! They have a lovely carnival setup and it's the perfect place for young couples. You'll fit right in, plus there will be plenty of paparazzi around" she says with a smile.

Being stuck with Luke at some fancy crowded carnival isn't my first choice. Of even my last but if it mean keeping the royal family looking perfect, I guess that's what I'll have to do.

But eww romantic. I don't wanna be surrounded by couple and people taking so called "hidden photos" of us.

That's just weird.

'It's also the point' I remind myself.

"Wait, that's almost an hour away from here" Carrie says.

"Plenty of time for them to get to know each other. Right?" She ask.

"Of course, Gladys. I'm sure that Julie will serve as great company" he smiles and again, I want to gag.

Maybe he just has that effect on people.

"So it's settled, tomorrow at say 4pm. Y'all will get there about 5, just in time to be around the sunset. The carnival will be all light it, it will be magical" Gladys says, painting an awfully endearing picture.

"See you tomorrow" he says and jumps from his seat. I listen to just foot steps and then the door closing.

"UGH" I let out a exasperated groan, slinking into my chair.

"Oh come on Julie, he's a good guy" carrie assures me.

"Did you hear him? He's far from a good guy. He's terrible, he cruel and such a jerk" I complain. Carrie only smiles and sits beside me.

"Then be the bigger person. Maybe once you get to know him, it'll be better. How knows? Y'all may have something in common" Carrie tells me in her best big sister voice.

A voice she's protected over the years.

I remember when she first came to live with us. I was only 3, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

"Julie" dad calls from downstairs. I drop my toys on the ground and run downstairs.

Carrie's here!

I join mom at the doorway and the she knocks. My dad opens the door and Carrie walks in with a very angry look at her face. She drops her boxes and bags on the ground then runs back outside.

"I'm sorry Ray, she's a little hesitant to stay here. I'll go get her" Ms.Susie says, putting bags down and going after Carrie.

"Mommy, what's wrong with Carrie?" I ask, turning to my mom. She picks me up and kisses me on the cheek.

"She just doesn't wanna leave her mom honey. Even though dad is here, she's still scared to be in our family"

"She shouldn't be scared. She's gonna be the bestest big sister ever. She already is, having her around all the time is gonna be the best" I say, a smile on my face. Mommy puts me down and I turn around to Carrie who's smiling just as greatly.

"You really think I'll be the best big sister" she ask and I nod, shaking my head vigorously.

"You are the best big sister, now my best friend I always gonna be around" I say and Carrie smiles bigger. We hug, the best hug ever!

Ms.Susie gives Carrie a kiss and hug before leaving, she thanks daddy for being here snd mommy for taking Carrie.

I don't know why they wouldn't, she's the best sis ever.

I was so young but my sister was always my best friend. The older we got, the more dramatic we got. But we never stopped being best friends. We know each others deepest secrets.

"Your sister is right, you will be just fine. As soon as the tabloids are eating it up, it will be easier to just pose and go" Gladys says.

Maybe they're right. If I give him a chance, he could turn out to be less of a douche.


What will happen?!?!? Hehehehe :) -R

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