✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Platform 9 and 3/4 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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*a/n*: basic title ik shut up plz this is where the chapters get longer and better, hopefully :) thank u for reading <3

Running in between the walls of a train platform. That seems entirely normal for a wizard. I've done stranger things, like blow up a teacher's thumb. I ran through the platform and felt my head warp. That did not feel normal at all, but at least it was just for a moment. I followed Draco and Cissy through the crowds of emotional parents parting with their children and delighted students ready to finally use magic after a long summer.

"If you ever need anything, " Cissy started as she fixed the collar on my shirt, "don't be afraid to owl me. Just borrow Draco's owl and write me. I'll write back in an instant. Oh, and Draco, stop scowling; please, you look terribly ill."

I hid a snicker from Draco behind my hair.

"Oh shut up, you've been eyeing every 5th year on the station, " Draco retaliated.

"I have not! I'm just exploring...with my eyes..." My cheeks turned a dark shade of pink, and I quickly darted my eyes to the ground.

"Alright, please try not to kill each other on the train. I'll miss you both so much. Christmas is just too long to wait to see you both again, " Cissy said with teary eyes.

I kissed her on the cheek and wrapped my arms around her neck, "We'll both be good. I promise."

It's a bit upsetting that my father couldn't be here. Of course, Death eater duties are more important than going away for most of the school year.

Draco grabbed my wrist with one arm and waved to his mother with the other. "Cmon, I am not sitting in a crowded car."

So much for not sitting in a crowded car. Most of the cars were filled to the maximum capacity. Draco kicked out a girl named Pansy Parkinson out of his car to make room for me. Take that Pansy, Draco loves me more! I was introduced to a fat-looking kid named Crabbe and a taller one named Goyle. Neither of them looked smart enough to have conversations with Draco or me, so I stared out of the window, watching the scenery as the train drove by.

I'm not sure when I took a nap, but I awoke when the train came to a halting stop. I lifted my head off of Draco's lap just to see that the train had gone completely dark.

"Bloody Hogwarts train. Outrageous that our train breaks down on the way to school, " Draco continued to mutter. Seeing that I was awake, Draco hushed me back to sleep and covered me with his hoodie.

I couldn't help but feel a strange aura on that train, and the train didn't just malfunction.

I felt a flick on my forehead, waking me up from my train slumber. "A flick for a flick," Draco smirked. "Here we are. Hogwarts. The place has gone to the dogs but might be a tiny bit better with you. Oh yeah, you're probably gonna have to line up with the first years. Go and get the whole boat ride experience. I'll be waiting for you at the Slytherin table."

Draco grabbed my suitcase and threw it down for me but waved it around in the air a couple of times before I could get it back. I found myself following a giant man. This is strange even for a wizarding school.

"The names Hagrid, you must be the new transfer student, eh? Heard lots bout yea. Yer gonna love it here. Trust me." The big friendly giant gave me a homey smile and wink, and I returned the smile. "First years and transfer student, " Hagrid looked down to smile at me, "Follow me to the boats!"

Hagrid hoisted me and a couple of other first years that were struggling to get into the boats. The view from the ships and the lantern lighting make the experience 100x better. It was so beautiful to look up into the night sky and see the stars AND Hogwarts.

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