✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Breakfast*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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I woke up to Hermione opening the curtains of our wall-length window, letting the morning sunshine seep into the room.

"Good morning Christina," Hermione greeted me with a giant smile, "How was your first night?"

"Hermione, as much as I would love to answer you, I cannot see anything with so much sun in my eyes." I am not a morning person

Hermione huffed, "It's already 8:00 Christina, you need to get into the habit of waking up early. Plus, you need to eat breakfast before class and get dressed. You can get ready here. I'll go and see if the boys are at least awake."  She sure does talk a lot for 8 in the morning.

Thankfully, our bathroom is connected to our room, so I don't need to leave looking all musty. I brushed my teeth and put on some face lotion. I pulled my purple strips of hair into two teeny braids in front of my face. Pretty cute if I don't say so myself. I pulled out my makeup bag, which wasn't a bag. It's more of a pouch. I don't like wearing too much makeup for class, but I LOVE going all out for parties. I put on some light mascara and blush across my nose and cheeks. Yes, ma'am, this is an adorable first day of Hogwarts look. I looked at the uniform hanging on the bathroom door. It's gonna need some shaping. Nothing some scissors can't fix. The skirt was at my knees, and that did not seem very fashionable. I cut off a good 4-5 inches, so it sat just below my thigh. The shirt and the robe were fine, so I just pulled those on and did a little twirl in the mirror. Adorable Christina, very cute. I made sure I looked presentable and walked out of the bathroom, but something caught my eye on the hanger. A tie. A stupid tie. I was never required to wear my tie in my other schools, but something tells me McGonagall will not want to see me without a tie.

I stumbled out of the dorm room, looking for Hermione to see if she could tie my tie. I think I saw her tie when she woke me up. Bouncing down the stairs, I bumped into Harry, and he ended up falling on top of me.

"Ah, sorry, Christina," he apologized. His face was extremely close to me, and his eyes were super green and wide as they met mine. We were frozen like that for a couple of seconds, staring into each other's eyes unintentionally.

He cleared his throat first, "Ahem, um, we should..."

"Oh yeah, sorry about that, Harry. What a wonderful morning we're having already."

He chuckled, "Yeah. Hermione asked me to make sure you were up and not sleeping. And here you are. Not sleeping."

The poor awkward boy. "Oh! It's a good thing I bumped into you! I realized that ties are probably mandatory here, and I need help with mine." I sheepishly handed over my tie to him, "Please?" I asked with a smile. Yes, Christina, throw him on top of you and ask him to help you with your tie. Smooth. Very smooth.

He returned the smiling, taking the tie in his arms. "Your lucky you bumped into me and not Hermione. She would turn this into a tie-tying lesson."

Even on the step below me, Harry towered over me. He could rest his head on my head and be perfectly comfortable. His hair looked super fluffy, kind of like a fuzzy carpet. Once again, our eyes met as he tied my tie. I quickly looked away to avoid any awkwardness, and he looked down and focused on the tie.

"What happened to your skirt?" I guess he noticed all the extra leg.

"I cut it," I shrugged. "It wasn't my style to wear knee-length skirts, so I cut. Does it seem too short? Or noticeable?"

Harry turned a very noticeable shade of red, "No, you- it looks good. Your tie is done."

"Thanks so much, Harry! Now, you are going to show me where the dining hall is because there is no way I could get there myself."

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