Chapter 1~" I hate them too"

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9th century May 26

Your POV

"Let me go!!" I grunted out hoarsaly as I thrashed against strong arms while I reached for my brother. " Let them go!!"  My father boomed as he struggled in his restraints, my brother finally had grabbed my arm and pulled us together, " We will meet again I promise." He said as tears ran down both of are faces just before we were yanked apart once again. I cried out as I screamed in pain. I had lost my other half as my mind drifted into darkness. Groaning I opened my eyes only to find a dark cloth over my eyes, trying to move to find myself in chains. Suddenly two sets of footsteps came towards me as I started to breathe healthy. Suddenly the bag was pulled off of my face, I blinked repeatedly as the blurriness left my eyes as two figures came into view. " Hi there." The man said next to the woman. " What's your name? "  the lady questioned I kept my mouth shut. " Well we won't need your name for this you're just a test subject so we know what to expect for our children but my name is Mikael over there is my wife Esther." The man said as he smiled at me creepily, Esther went out of the room and returned with a ancient book," Are you ready ? "  The man asked the woman, she nodded and began to chant some type of language a wave of pain shot through me the man grabbed a knife and dipping in some yellow liquid and pushed it in my arm as he poured the rest of the liquid onto the deep cut. I screamed out in pain as pain coursed through me. My body seemed to break as I passed out.

3 days later

Waking up with a gasp I opened my eyes, my throat was sore my stomach grumbled loudly with the need to filled with food. Mikael walked in and pushed a cup of black liquid into lips I begrudgingly gulped down the drink. He sighed in disappointment and walked outside. Straining my ears I heard hushed whispers, " We have to do something she's still human I gave her black water her body should have rejected she needs blood instead of that.",  "Or we could have a little fun to help with our problems." Another voice said, " Yes we can much better idea dear." The first voice said. Suddenly Mikael and Esther walked in with whips and other weapons. They looked at me with a predatory gaze, Mikael walked to me and grabbed my chin harshly making me look at him. " We're gonna have a lot of fun you and me."  He said as his spit made contact with my face . Suddenly a harsh pain was felt on my face as it whipped to the side. Turning my head up to the couple I saw Esther in front of me with a sadistic smile. Soon both of them began to beat me this went on  for weeks at a time. I had found a way out one of the days they had took me out to leave me in a forest for the night. As the mikaelson couple I  had undid my restraints I snuck out of the shacke they kept me in, making sure the coast was clear I ran as fast as I could. My memorie turned into a bright light a silhouette stood in front me as it came into view , a blonde woman appeared in front of me her eyes piercing into mine," You, Y/N my love are meant to great things you are the strongest of us all but I need you to come find me and my brothers darling,"  she said hear British accent coming out like honey , " How do I find you ? " I asked putting her hand on my my cheek, " Follow your heart love." She said as the vision began to fade.

11th century July 16

I woke up with gasp cold sweat running down my body, jumping out of bed I rushed to the bathroom as I took my clothes off , turning the water on I  let the hot liquid roll down my body and through my long dark curly hair ,soothing my aching muscles. My mind flashed of memories from the times I had spent with my brother. After cleaing my body I stepped out of the shower and dried my hair and body, wrapping the towel around my waist I walked towards the sink  in my bathroom as I stared at the marking tattoos that stretched across my right arm throughthemirror. This mark had appeared after I first shifted into my wolf form at 16, I had found a witch she had told me I am the tribid Alpha, I thought the woman was crazy you may think I'm stupid right like you're a witch yourself yet you don't believe you're an Alpha yeah I know crazy right? Zoning back into reality I blinked my eyes as I caught a glimpse of Mikael, I  hated that man and his wife with my whole heart for what they did to me and my brother even though I never knew what they did to him they still took him away from me I can never forgive that. Blinkimg my eyes again he was gone. Making my way out the bathroom I changed into a dark green dress shirt with black slacks and a gold belt, after slipping my black blazer on I made my way to a bar.

Over the years I had made a life for myself in Louisiana going century through century as a well known bounty hunter making billions of dollars in the process as I tracked down the children that held the Mikaelson name pleased to find them all in New Orleans not far from where I stayed in my lavish apartment. Nobody had tried to find out who I was so I was able to walk around freely without any problems. Walking into the bar I sat down and ordered some whiskey after receiving my drink I took a sip and then look into the glass cup. I  heard someone sit down beside me, I looked up to find a black haired man he stared at my with blue eyes a smirk playing on his lips." Now what's a pretty thing like you doing here looking so glum,hey maybe we can get out of here and do something a little more interesting." He said suggesting something I rather do than do. "Sorry but I don't like sword fighting." I said bluntly ," Swords? Who said anything about swords?"  He said curiosity shining through his laugh," Oh! You have a uh? " he trailed of pointing downwards to his crotch. I nodded, " Oh then any of the ladies you fancy here I'm sure I can help you with that."  He said," Damon Salvatore" he stuck out his hand for me to shake " Y/N  and no thanks bloodsucker." I said knowing of his origin, " How do you know that? ",  He asked "  I'm a vampire as well. " I said as I flashed my eyes at him. Suddenly a brunette haired man with a beard came up to us , " Hello there Damon who's your new friend here? " He asked staring at me "This is Y/N, oh she's not interested in mem so don't even try it also  she's a vampire. " Damon replied, " A vampire you say then you should know who I am yes? " He asked me . " Yes, " I replied " then how come I've never seen you here before? " He asked " Well  I am one of kind Mikaelson." I replied " A hybrid that doesn't belong to me? " I shook my head " Tribid." I replied honestly, he looked at me shocked before he asked," Would you like to come over for a drink I'm sure I have better drinks than this bar could ever offer." I nodded, " Yeah I guess I have nothing better to do . " I stated bluntly.

Hi it's your Author here please tell me how I didnso far 😁

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