Chapter 3~ Something New

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3rd  POV

Birds chirped and singed outside the Mikaelson residence as sunlight streamed through the windows, now this would have been see as the start to a peaceful morning but it wasn't for a certain Alpha,no, Y/N would have looked normal to everyone else but on the inside she was scared,terrified even of what the future would hold and sometimes her dreams showed her lies of her brother dying, of her turning into a monster, becoming a tyrant. Ragged breaths came from the Alpha as her back rose up and down at an uneven pace. In her dreams she was tied down as she watched Mikael saunter over to her younger brother with a dagger. Screaming out for the man to stop she was only given a crazed laugh in response,Mikael went behind her brother as he plunged the dagger into his body over and over again, tears streamed down her face as blood came out Marcels mouth his eyes draining of life.Y/N felt like she was falling into pit over and over again as she screamed.In real life Rebekah was awake and walking past the Alpha room to receive breakfast when she heard murmurs come from room, turning around she walked back to the door she knocked calling out the girls name she received no answer, but a scream came directly after opening the door with haste she was met with the sight of Y/N trembling as tears streamed down her face. Rushing towards her,  Rebekah began to shake her telling her to wake up. Y/N eyes flew open but they weren't their normal color instead they were pitch black showing Rebekah that she was unaware of her surroundings, growling Y/N threw Rebekah to the other side of the room. Realizing that her body had come into contact with something her eyes began to bleed back to the normal hazel color. Looking at her surroundings Rebekah holding her stomach, walking to her she went to reach for her but Rebekah flinched back reclining her hand she stood up and ran out the room. Rebekah called after but it fell to deaf ears.

Your POV

Fuck I hurt her now she scared of me, I should apologize but I don't even know if she'll let me come near her though. Growling I punched the wall. "Now there was absolutely no reason for you to ruin a perfectly good wall." A familiar voice said behind me. Looking behind me I see Elijah with a smirk on his face though as soon as his eyes connected with mine his face turned concernd. "Hey, is everything alright you look a bit shaken.? " he said his tone laced with worry. Shaking my head I put on a faux smile, "I'm fine just a little hungry, y'know with hunger for blood." He nodded still not believing my words, "Well me and the family were thinking about going to the bar catch a drink this afternoon, you could tag along if you wanted?" He said wiggling his eyebrows to emphasize that we'll be doing more than just drinking. With a slight chuckle I nod my head, the sound of the door opening catches our attention turning our head we see Rebekah come out of my room. Feeling eyes on her as he turns her head looking at Elijah she gives him a tiny smile with nod but it falters a little when she looks at me and then turning around and walking downstairs.

Elijah eyes  me as we sit at the table surrounded by the Mikaelsons and my brother. "So, sister care to tell us why you came out Y/N room earlier?" He ask with a smirk, Rebekah looks at me silently asking if she can tell them about my sleepless night, I shake my head. "Well big brother I wouldn't exactly say that it's any of your business but if you must know she was showing me her markings." She replied lying through her teeth with ease. "Marking? What is she talking about?" Elijah ask while looking at me. "Well I was amazed by the Old God's they seemed to take enough liking of me to give me some protection plus powers." I replied with a proud smirk, "Well we'll have to fight some time I want to see what the first tribid is made of." Nicklaus said as he looked at me dangerous glint in his eyes. Matching his face I replied, "Maybe we should afternwe find your mother so we can finally end this cat and mouse game." I said as venom laced my tone. Klaus eyes danced with amusement," Are you sure you are related to Marcel you seem to be a Mikaelson in there." He said with chuckle as he pointed to my heart, everyone laughed as I shrugged but it seemed as his statement had a different meaning than intended. With a chuckle I said, "Well maybe you rubbing off on me the only family that stuck with me was my brother in the end and I've only just got him back." With that I took a sip of the blood in the ancient cup my statement having a different meaning as well as I peered over my cup looking the Hybrid in eyes.


I seemed to lead the group of Mikaelsons and my brother in the bar as we all spread me and my brother stayed together as we leaned on the bar, a cup of Scotch on ice in my hands as my twin had bourbon. "You know something don't you?" My brother asked. I looked at him confused, " You've been staring at her for over ten minutes Y/nn." He said as he nodded in the direction of Rebekah. A blush rose up to my cheeks, "I-i-i don't know what you're talking about." I stuttered out as I mentally facepalmed myself. "You my dear sister, are attracted to her tha much is noticeable that Elijah caught onto it at breakfast this morning, but it seems as if you loved her forever." If only you knew little brother," No but she is beautiful and she helped me with my nightmares." I mumbled out my brother looked at me with sympathy as he put a arm around leaning off a bit because I was a little taller than him. "Hey I know the feeling I've been having them to but they weren't all nightmares, some of them were about and magical lady always appeared where she said 'Period sis' a lot." Shaking my head with a chuckle, "Let's get away from all this sadness we're supposed to be having fun!!" I shouted as people cheered


Alcohol buzzed through my veins as I swayed to music as crowd jumped to music as my senses turned of allowing me to let go as I danced with my brother grinding against others people intoxicated bodies until I bumped into somebody a familiar scent filled my nose. Rebekah stood in front of me more drunk than I was as the neon lights danced across her features. Smiling she looped her arms around my neck as I placed my hands on her waist. "What are we doing? " I said in her ear as the bass of the music drowned out every else. "Something new." She said as we looked into each other's eyes, leaning forward our lips finally met as we moved in sync, our tongues  fighting for dominance. I won she tasted sweet and sour from the blood and the drinks she previously, she threaded her fingers in my curly black her drawing a groan from, gripping her hips I pulled her body against mine leaving no inch of space between us causing her moan against my lips. "We should take this somewhere else." I said huskily in ear a little breathless. She nodded her gripping my hand and dragging me out of the bar as the cold air nipped my skin as she called us taxi to drive us back to the Mikaelson residence.


Hi it's your Author Taco here 👋🏾 so I was wondering should I do smut next chapter or skip to the morning because it's to soon let me know in the comments Byeeeeee🤪

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