Tiara and Harry - Addicted To You

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Tiara's POV

Sunset is one thing i never wanted to miss from the sea. I grew up here and found myself loving every single thing from the oceans. Sunrise, Sunset, the heavy wind, the fish, fisherman, sailor, crabs, the waves, everything. And also my favorite thing is a boy that is always at the beach on the evening, watching the waves quietly until sunset and he leave just like that, i don't know what is he doing and he's there everyday.

He seems so familiar but I can't recognize his face. I've seen him but i can't remember where. I've tried to talk to him once and he has that deep voice and cheeky smile with his dimples painted perfectly on his cheeks. I've to admit that he's attractive, so damn attractive. He often wore beanie to cover up his curly hair and he once wore a snapback. oh god.. That just make him more attractive! But i'm too afraid to talk to him again, when i'm about to walk towards him, he's gone. No, not mysteriously gone but he's going home, at least i think he has home because he's quite good looking, he smells like a fresh coconut and his teeth's pure white, his face is so clean no acne and no blackheads. If i ever had a chance again i want to talk to him so bad, hearing his voice again and seeing those beautiful emerald eyes.

I never told anybody about him before but there's my best friend, Amy. She's great, she's beautiful, she's so kind but she always want to know what happen with me, she can tell that i'm tired or sad or even when i'm falling in love she can read me like a book and it's just like something in me whispering her what i feel. She's truly the best even though i never mentioned anything about that boy in front of her

By the way, i'm on my way to Amy's house. She invited me to hang out with her today, but she didn't mentioned the 'girls day out' thing, maybe she'll bring someone? Oh and i remember the last time she didn't mentioned the gdo thing, we ended up hanging out with her scottish cousin, he's around 13 or so and he was like.... ermm no comment.

When i reached Amy's house, i knocked the door and a familiar smile greeted me "there you are Tiara!" Amy said hugging me urm awkward cause we don't usually hug when we met "yes here i am" "come in, i'll show you somethings" "somethings?" "Yes but they actually not a thing and-" "Amy, where's the don- uh hi!" Said a blonde boy interrupting Amy, who is he? Another cousin from somewhere? "Ah yes Tiara, this is Niall my childhood friend and Niall this is Tiara my best friend" Amy said "Hello" i said and Niall replied showing his full braces teeth "Hi" "Louis took the donuts go chase him" Amy said and without a word Niall rushing to chase that Louis umm wait "who's Louis?" i questioned looking confuse "Niall's friend, come on walk faster so i can introduce you to the others" the others? How many others that i haven't met?

I sighed as i followed Amy towards the living room. I take out my phone and texted my mum cause i just realize that i haven't told her that i'm going to Amy's house even though i know she'd probably already guess that i'm here. I texted her: Mum, i'm at Amy's and probably will be home late i got the key x. All i hope from the text that she'll understand that i'm so much grown up from last year, she isn't actually allowed me to stay late and yadda yadda but you only live once remember? you can only be a teenager for once so yeah i ignored her most times, bless my soul

When i was about to put my phone back on my bag, i bumped into someone and my phone flew out of nowhere. "what the.." i said still looking for my phone "oh god i'm sorry i'm so so sorry, i didn't mean to do that i swear" he said. he? i slowly look up at him and there he is. His green emerald eyes lights up the room, his curly hair perfectly placed on his head looking very smooth and he is mumbling sorries to me. umm wait, why he is here? "I'm so sorry, i can help you looking for your phone if you don't mind" he said looking straight at me. Me with my jawdrop, looking pale and speechless self foolishly didn't say anything still admiring his face "umm you alright?" he said tilting his face and waving his hand infront of my face, i shook my head "yeah yeah perfectly fine" he chuckled "i've already used to that, now let's go looking for your phone" "no it's fine, i'll go looking for it by myself" "are you sure?" "umm yeah" he chuckled one more time and smiled "I'm Harry by the way" oh Harry, Harry, Harry do you know that you have a beautiful name it fits you perfectly and oh god what are you trying to do with my soul.. don't look at me like that i'm dead. I blinked a couple of times and finally said "I'm Tiara" i said trying so hard not to sound nervous

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