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{ TIME SKIP......... after a month }

It's been a month since Everything change in Jungkook and Jimin Life. One month they lost their happiness. One month they lost their Whole world. They lost their V.........

It's been month Jungkook locked himself in his room. After V's Funarial  he never come out from his room. He don't talk to anyone. Not even with Jimin. He Keep skiping his meals. He will only eat anything if Jimin force him to.and that also A bite or two. he became so skinny and pale. He will always keep crying in his room without even sleep. He would Just pass out while crying.
It was really hard for Jimin Because he have to stay strong for Jungkook. He hide all his pain and stay by Jungkook's side all the time. He can't just let him go like that. He know very well that  Just like him Jungkook also have no one in this world other than him. Like this one month passed.......

{ One day morning......... }

It's a simple morning...... The Beutiful sun light was hitting kook's pale face. He opened his eyes slightly. His eyes were red and puffy. Last night also he pass out while crying. He weakly get of from his bed but he suddenly run to bathroom and started to throw up. It was happening for almost a week but he didn't tell to Jimin. After he finished it he look at the mirror and see he was looking horrible. He became so skinny, his hair was stiky, eyes are red. He himself feel disgust.He signed weakly and get in the shower. He closed his eyes and feel the cold water touching his skin. His tears again started to fall without his permission.
He didn't bother to stop it Coze he know it would not stop.......
Like this he cride for an hour then he get of from the shower. He get dressed. He slowly walk to his bedroom door and stand there for a minute .he take a deep breath and opened the door. He then slowly made his way to down stairs.

{ Meanwhile at downstairs. }

Jimin was in the kitchen making breakfast for him and kook. He already done with his cooking and he was arrenging on a tray for kooki . Coze he know kooki would not came out of the room and would not eat if would not force him. He was so into arrenging the food that he didn't notice that a Bunny boy standing there.

Jungkook : *low Voice* Jimin hyung.......

Jimin look up from the tray and look at the direction Where the voice Comeing from and see There standing a skinny plae lifeless Jungkook........

His eyes started to get watery.he seeing this younger from his childhood but he never saw him like this. His tears started fall from his eyes. Without any second West he run to the younger and hugged him tightly.

Jungkook smiled a little and hugged the older back.

They both didn't say anything Just stand there for sometime.

Jungkook was the first one pulled away from the hug . He wiped Jimin's tears and give a small smile which jimin return with a big one.

Jimin was about to say something but stop himself when Jungkook run from there while covering his mouth.
Kook straightly run to bathroom and started to throw up.
Jimin come to him and rub his back.
After sometime kook finally stop throwing up. Jimin help him to  washed his face and mouth.

Jimin :*worried* Kooki.....bun what happened??? Are you alright???? Should we go to hospital????

Jungkook :*weakly* No need hyung. Iam fine. It's Just....... *Sign* I don't know but it's the been a week I throwing up. I feel so tired and weak . But it's okay. Maybe because of I skipped the meal .....

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